Geometry Proximity Node

The Geometry Proximity node computes the closest location on the target geometry.
The Map Range Node – Вузол «Розкладка Діапазону» is often helpful to use with the distance output of this node to create a falloff with a maximum distance.
Inputs – Уводи
- Target – Ціль
Standard geometry input.
- Source Position
The given position to calculate the closest location on the target.
Properties – Властивості
- Target Element
- Faces – Грані
Calculate the closest point anywhere on the faces of the target’s mesh geometry.
- Edges – Краї
Calculate the closest point anywhere on the edges of the target’s mesh geometry.
- Points – Точки
Calculate the closest point or vertex on the target geometry. This mode is usually the fastest. This mode works for both point cloud and mesh geometry, the other modes only work for meshes.
Outputs – Виводи
- Position – Позиція
Closest location on the surface of the target mesh, or the closest point in the target point cloud in Points mode.
- Distance – Відстань
Distance (as floating-point value) from the source position to the closest location in the target.
Examples – Приклади
The different modes of the node: faces, edges and points. In this example the Geometry Nodes modifier is added on the target plane. Note that the larger plane is subdivided and the smaller plane is not.

The three target element modes: faces, edges, and points.

Points distributed on a sphere used as a target for a distance used in a shader.