Nút Thông Tin Thể Tích (Volume Info Node)

Nút Thông Tin Thể Tích.

The Volume Info node provides information about Smoke Domains.

Đầu Vào (Inputs)

Nút này không có đầu vào.

Tính Chất (Properties)

Nút này không có tính chất nào cả.

Đầu Ra (Outputs)

Màu Sắc (Color)

Gives the color of the smoke inside the Fluid Domain. The color and vector outputs are the same. The Factor output is an average of the channels.

Tỷ Trọng/Mật Độ (Density)

Gives a scalar defining the density of any smoke inside the Fluid Domain.

Lửa (Flame)

Gives a scalar defining the density of any fire inside the Fluid Domain. All three outputs are the same.

Nhiệt Độ (Temperature)

Gives a scalar defining the temperature of the volume. Values in the range 0 - 1 map to 0 - 1000 kelvin. This may be used to render physically-based fire with the Blackbody or Principled Volume shaders. All three outputs are the same.

Ví Dụ (Example)


Smoke density.


Computing the color of fire using the Blackbody node. Since the Blackbody node expects its input in Kelvin, the temperature output has to be remapped first.