Tầng Góc Nhìn (View Layer)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

Tính Chất (Properties) ‣ Cảnh (Scene) ‣ Tầng Góc Nhìn (View Layer)


View Layer panel (shown here for the Eevee render engine).

The Layer Panel shows the settings of the active View Layer.

Sử Dụng trong Kết Xuất (Use for Rendering)

The active view layer will be used during rendering.

Kết Xuất Một Tầng Lớp (Render Single Layer)

Only render the active view layer.

Ghi chú

This option is ignored when rendering from the command line.

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Additional options shown in this panel are different for each render engine. See Render Passes for the options per render engine.