This page discusses specific selecting tools for curve objects in Edit mode. The Curve Edit more also uses the general select tools used which are described in the interface section.
Curve selection in Edit Mode has fewer options than with meshes. Mainly this is, because there is only one selectable element type, the control points (no select mode needed here...). These points are a bit more complex than simple vertices, however, especially for Bézier curves, as there is the central vertex, and its two handles...
The basic tools are the same as with meshes, so you can select a simple control point with the LMB, add to current selection with Shift-LMB, Box Select B, and so on.
One word about the Bézier control points: when you select the main central vertex, the two handles are automatically selected too, so you can move it as a whole, without creating an angle in the curve. However, when you select a handle, only this vertex is selected, allowing you to modify this control vector...
Select Random¶
模式: | 编辑模式 |
菜单: |
Select Random control points.
- Percent
- Selects the defined percentage of control points.
- Random Seed
- Seed used by the pseudo-random number generator.
- Action
- Controls whether the operator Selects or Deselects control points.
Checker Deselect¶
模式: | 编辑模式 |
菜单: |
This tool applies an alternating selected/deselected checker pattern. This only works if you already have more than one control point selected.
It works by changing the current selection so that only every Nth control points will remain selected, starting from the active one.
- Nth Selection
- Skip every Nth element leaving it selected.
- Skip
- Number of consecutive elements to skip (keep selected) at once.
- Offset
- Offset from the starting point.
模式: | 编辑模式 |
菜单: | |
快捷键: | L, Ctrl-L, Shift-L |
L (或者 Ctrl-L 全选) 会扩选光标附近的控制点和相连的全部控制点,也就是,选中同属一条曲线的所有控制点。注意,对于贝塞尔曲线,选中一个控制柄后使用 L 会中整个控制点以及与之相连的所有控制点。
模式: | 编辑模式 |
菜单: | |
快捷键: | Shift-G |
Selects control points that have certain similar properties to the active one. The 调整上一步操作 panel provides several selection options:
- 类型
- 类型
- 选择有着相同样条类型的样条,即贝塞尔,NURBS或多项式.
- 半径
- 选择有相似半径值的控制点.
- 权重
- 选择所有有着相似权重值的点.
- 方向
- 选择有相似控制柄方向的控制点.
- 比较
- 等于,大于,小于. (仅适用于半径、权重) (ToDo 2.76)
- 阈值
- 精度 (ToDo 2.76)
模式: | 编辑模式 |
菜单: | |
快捷键: | Ctrl-NumpadPlus, Ctrl-NumpadMinus |
- 扩展选择
- 选择每一个选中控制点的 全部 相连控制点(即一个或者两个...).。
- 缩减选择
- 对每一个选中控制点进行判定,如果其 全部 相连点均已选中,保持其选中状态。否则,对其取消选择。
- 首先,当选中曲线上 所有 控制点都时,什么都不会发生(比如,对于 缩减选择,所有相连的顶点仍将维持选中状态, 扩展选择 则加无所加)。反过来,当未选中任何控制点时,情况也是一样的。
- 其次,这两个工具的作用范围不会 “跳出” 曲线( 决不会从物体的一条曲线 跳到 另一条曲线上)。