
- Sidebar N
- Show or hide the Sidebar.
- Preview as Backdrop
- 在主视图的背景中显示当前帧,就像在节点编辑器中一样。
- Frame Selected NumpadPeriod
- 最大化选定的片段。
- Frame All Home
- 放大显示以显示所有片段。
- Zoom Shift-B
- Click and drag to draw a rectangle and zoom to this rectangle.
- Navigation
- Play Animation Spacebar
- Start or stop playback of animation. This will start playback in all editors.
- Go to Playhead Numpad0
- 滚动时间轴让当前帧显示在中心。
- Jump to Previous Strip PageDown
- 当前帧将跳转到片段结束。
- Jump to Next Strip PageUp
- 当前帧会跳转到片段开始。
- Jump to Previous Strip (Center) Alt-PageDown
- Jump to next center of the strip.
- Jump to Next Strip (Center) Alt-PageUp
- Jump to previous center of the strip.
- Range
- Set Preview Range P
- Interactively define frame range used for playback. Allows you to define a temporary preview range to use for animation playback (this is the same thing as the Playback Range option of the Timeline editor header).
- Clear Preview Range Alt-P
- Clears preview range.
- Set Start Frame Ctrl-Home
- Set Start of animation range to current playhead position.
- Set End Frame Ctrl-End
- Set End of animation range to current playhead position.
- Refresh All
To force Blender to re-read in files, and to force a re-render of the 3D Viewport, click the Refresh Sequencer button. Blender will update and synchronize all cached images and compute the current frame.
Certain operations, like moving an object in the 3D Viewport, may not force the Sequencer to call for a refresh of the rendered image (since the movement may not affect the rendered image). If an image or video, used as a strip, is changed by some application outside of Blender, Blender has no real way of being notified from your operating system.
- 显示秒 Ctrl-T
- Display time instead of frame number, in the Frame Number Indicator.
- 显示帧数指示器
- Toggles units of measure across bottom of time cursor between seconds or frames.
- 显示偏移
- 显示来自条切割或滑动片段“额外”溢出的内容。
- Show Marker Lines
- Show or hide dashed line on marker position across the timeline.
- Cache
- Show Cache
- Show all enabled types. Final Images, Raw Images, Preprocessed Images, Composite Images
- Waveform Displaying
- Global option to either display the waveform, or the strip info, or use the individual strip option.
- Sequence Render Image
- Render image at playhead position.
- Sequence Render Animation
- Render timeline from Preview Start to Preview End Frame to a Video file or series of images.
Markers are used to denote frames with key points or significant events within an animation. Like with most animation editors, markers are shown at the bottom of the editor.

Markers in animation editor.
For descriptions of the different marker tools see Editing Markers.
- 平移 MMB
- 缩放 Wheel
- 垂直滚动使用 Shift-Wheel,或拖动左侧滚动条。
- 水平滚动使用 Ctrl-Wheel,或向下拖动滚动条。
- 缩放视图, Ctrl-MMB 向上/向下(垂直缩放)或向左/向右(水平缩放)拖动。
- 垂直缩放视图,拖动垂直滚动条上的圆圈。
- Scale View Horizontally: drag on the circles on the horizontal scrollbar.
The playhead is the blue vertical line with the current frame number at the top. It can be set or moved to a new position by pressing or holding LMB in scrubbing area at the top of the timeline. You can move playhead in increments by pressing Left or Right, or you can jump to the beginning or end frame by pressing Shift-Left or Shift-Right. As you do, the image for that frame is displayed in the Preview region.
When you drag the frame indicator with Shift-RMB directly on a sequence strip, this will show the strip solo, (temporarily disregarding effects and other strips, showing only this strip's output) and the strip will be highlighted.
当按住时 Ctrl 在拖动时会吸附到片段到开始和结束点。