


  1. 选择(要将UV贴图复制到的)目标网格。

  2. Shift 选择源网格(包含完整UV)。

  3. 物体菜单 ‣ 生成关联项... ‣ 传递UV映射 (快捷键: Ctrl-L ...)。



一个网格并不限于一个UV映射。用户可以通过为部分网格创建新的UV映射,从而拥有多个UV映射。这可以通过单击 UV映射列表 (位于属性编辑器的 物体数据 标签页)旁边的 添加 按钮,然后展开网格的其他部分实现。UV映射总是包含整个网格。





UV可以叠加放置,且以洋葱皮方式显示(透过最上层可以看到下层UV)。要仅移动一层UV,可以先选择一个UV坐标,然后使用 选择 ‣ 选择相连元素, Ctrl-L 选择相连UV,而不能使用框选,因为这样会选中所有UV。




在展开物体时,常常会出现 “多数正确”但部分网格展开不当的问题,就像上面的例子。上面的图片展示了使用球面方式展开脸部的原始结果。问题出在耳朵上,它的UV变成了一坨,还有颈部,拉伸和收缩都很明显。这需要很多工夫来整理。



We can tell that the ear would unwrap nicely with just a straightforward projection from the side view, and the neck with a tubular unwrap. So, our general approach will be to unwrap different parts of the object (face, ears, and so on) using different unwrap tool, selecting each tool according to which one works best for that part. So let us begin: We select only the "face" faces, unwrap them using the Sphere projection, and scale and rotate them a bit to fit logically within the image area of the UV Editor.


仅展开耳朵,使用 从视角投影

Once we are satisfied with the face, it is time to turn our attention to the ear. First, unselect the faces you were working with. Their UVs will disappear from the UV Editor, but they are still there, just not shown. (To verify this, you can select a few faces in 3D Viewport and it will show up in the UV Editor.)

To work on the ear, in the 3D Viewport, we now select only the "ear" faces. You can use vertex groups to select the ear faces. Selecting sub-meshes is easy too, since they are not connected to the rest of the mesh. Simply selecting linked vertices will select that entire submesh. Basically, since you are in Edit Mode, all the selecting/deselecting features are available to you.

Now unwrap the ear again using the Project tool from side view, and scale and rotate them a bit (discussed in the next section), and place them off to the side. You can do this repetitively, using different unwrapping algorithms; each re-apply just puts those UVs for the selected faces somewhere else. Choose the tool for each part that gives you the best fit and most logical layout for subsequent painting of that part.

当所有的网格都已经使用不同算法展开后,你应该可以得到类似右图的结果。网格的所有部分都有对应的映射,且这些映射铺在同一张UV贴图里。恭喜你!下面只需要一些简单的 缝合 (见下文)工作就可以组成一张完整的UV映射了。




迭代 & 优化


Applied to computer graphics, we cycle between modeling, texturing, animating, and then back to making modifications to mesh, UV mapping, tweaking the animation, adding a bone or two, finding out we need a few more faces, so back to modeling, etc. We continue going round and round like this until we either run out of time, money, or patience, or, in rare cases, are actually happy with our results.



Your only choice is to expand the size (scale out) that UV face. Using the Minimize Stretch or Scale tools, you expand the UV faces around the eyes or chest, allocating more pixels to those areas, but at the same time taking away pixels (detail) from somewhere else, like the back of the head. After refining the UV map, you then edit the image so that it looks right and contains the details you want.



你可能想要一张 “褪色的蓝色牛仔裤” 贴图,并且单独展开角色的腿部来使用这张贴图。把一张皮肤图像用在角色的手部、脚部、胳膊、腿部和颈部,是再好不过的。在制作一个幻想的刀剑时,有一小张剑刃的贴图就够了,可以通过 重置展开 刀剑的面,对整个剑身重复利用这样贴图。