The animation player is a utility typically used for previewing rendered animations, supporting all image and video formats also supported by Blender. This is a convenient way to play back image sequences at the correct frame rate.
- 菜单
- 快捷键
Launching the animation player opens a new window, playing back images or a video located at the render output of the current scene. You can also drop images or movie files in a running animation player. It will then restart the player with the new data.
也可以使用外部播放器代替Blender中包含的播放器。为此,请在 Preferences 中选择它。
Player Options
- 乒乓
When enabled, playback loops forwards than backwards.
- X/Y Flip
Flip the image horizontally or vertically.
Viewing the animation from a different perspective can help you see the animation with "fresh eyes".
动作 |
快捷键 |
开始/暂停. |
Spacebar |
回放(当按下暂停键时) |
Return |
退出. |
Esc |
动作 |
快捷键 |
切换时间游标(指标): |
后退一格. |
Left |
向前一格. |
Right |
后退10格. |
Down |
向前10格. |
Up |
手动逐帧设置. |
NumpadPeriod |
动作 |
快捷键 |
向后播放. |
Shift-Down |
向前播放 |
Shift-Up |
慢速播放. |
NumpadMinus |
加速播放. |
NumpadPlus |
循环开关. |
Numpad0 |
切换跳帧. |
A |
来回切换. |
P |
动作 |
快捷键 |
切换播放头(指示灯): |
I |
翻转X轴上的图像: |
F |
在Y轴上翻转图像: |
Shift-F |
如何显示帧数: |
Shift |
放大: |
Ctrl-NumpadPlus |
缩小: |
Ctrl-NumpadMinus |
动作 |
快捷键 |
60 fps |
Numpad1 |
50 fps |
Numpad2 |
30 fps |
Numpad3 |
25 fps |
Numpad4 |
24 fps |
Shift-Numpad4 |
20 fps |
Numpad5 |
15 fps |
Numpad6 |
12 fps |
Numpad7 |
10 fps |
Numpad8 |
6 fps |
Numpad9 |
5 fps |
NumpadSlash |
Frame Cache
Image files are cached during playback for faster access.
While loading images is rarely a bottleneck, there are situations where high resolution images may slow down playback causing frame skipping.
See also
Memory Cache Limit preference to control this limit, which may be increased to cache more images during playback. 动画播放选项 to specify this value when launching from the command line.