

这是权重绘制的主要功能。当骨骼移动时,关节顶点也应移动一部分,来模拟关节皮肤的拉伸。在关节顶点处使用 “轻” 权重(10 - 40%)绘制来使其在骨骼移动时进行轻微移动。虽然可以给骨架自动分配权重(参考 蒙皮 ),你也可以手动分配。要从头开始执行此操作,请参考以下过程。要修改自动分配的权重,请跳到中间过程:

  1. 创建骨架。

  2. 创建骨架移动时的形变网格。

  3. With the mesh selected, create an Armature modifier for your mesh (located in the Properties, Modifiers tab). Enter the name of the armature.


  1. Select the armature in 3D Viewport, and bring the armature to Pose Mode with Ctrl-Tab, or the 3D Viewport header mode selector.

  2. 在骨架中选择目标骨骼。

  3. Select your mesh with LMB and change immediately to Weight Paint Mode. The mesh will be colored according to the weight (degree) that the selected bone movement affects the mesh. Initially, it will be all blue (no effect).

  4. 绘制心脏的权重。骨骼周围的网格应为红色(通常),随着离骨骼距离变远逐渐根据彩虹色谱淡出到蓝色。

To select a different bone of the armature use Ctrl-LMB, this action will activate the corresponding vertex group and display related weights.


You can only select one bone at a time in this mode (so Shift-LMB clicking does not work).


If the mesh skins the bones, you will not be able to see the bones because the mesh is painted. If so, enable In Front.


If you have a symmetrical mesh and a symmetrical armature you can use Vertex Group X. Then the mirrored groups with the mirrored weights are automatically created.







In example faces or vertices with zero weight generate no particles. A weight of 0.1 will result in 10% of the amounts of particles. This option "conserves" the total indicated number of particles, adjusting the distributions so that the proper weights are achieved while using the actual number of particles called for. Use this to make portions of your mesh hairier than others by weight painting a vertex group, and then calling out the name of the vertex group in the Vertex Groups panel Properties ‣ Particles tab.