- 模式:
- 标题栏:
Guides are drawing aids that make it easier to create different types of strokes. The Guides can be activated with the button next to the selector (grid icon).
Guide Types
- Circular
Constrains the drawing of new strokes to form rings from the selected reference point.
- 径向
Constrains the drawing of new strokes to form rays from the selected reference point.
- 平行
Constrains the drawing of new strokes to form parallel lines.
- 角度
Angle direction of the parallel lines.
- 栅格
Constrains the drawing of new strokes to form parallel horizontal or vertical lines.
- Isometric
Constrains the drawing of new strokes to vertical or isometric lines.
- 角度
Angle direction of the isometric lines.
- Use Snapping
When enabled, snap the drawn strokes to an angle or spacing.
- 间隔
Guide spacing.
- Reference Point
Determines the origin point to use for the creation of the lines. Applies only for Circular and Radial guides.
- 游标
Use the cursor as a reference point.
- 自定义
Use a custom location as a reference point.
- Custom Location
X, Y Z
- 物体
Use an object as a reference point.
- 物体
A Data ID menu to select the object (usually an empty), which location will be used as a reference point.