雕刻模式 类似于 编辑模式,因为它用于改变绘图的形状,但雕刻模式使用一个非常不同的工作流程:而不是处理单个元素(点和编辑线),使用笔刷改变模型。换句话说,不是选择一组点,而是雕刻模式在笔刷影响区域中操纵绘图。

雕刻模式可从三维视口标题栏中的 模式 菜单中选择。一旦激活雕刻模式,三维视口中的工具栏将变为雕刻模式专用面板。一个红色圆圈将出现并跟随光标在三维视口中的位置。

- 选中项遮罩
蜡笔中的 "雕刻模式" 允许您选择点或笔触,以将雕刻工具的效果限制为仅绘图的特定区域。
You can use the selection tools in the Toolbar for a quick selection. You can restrict sculpting only on the selected points or strokes with the Selection mode buttons.
- 多重帧
You can activate multiframe edition with the Multiframe button next to the modes selector (faded lines icon). See Multiframe for more information.
- 菜单:
- 快捷键:

These properties automatically mask geometry based on stroke, layers and materials under the cursor. It's an quick alternative to frequent manual masking. These masks are initialized on every new tool usage. They are also never visible as an overlay.
These properties can be accessed via a 饼菜单 by pressing Shift-Alt-A.
All auto-masking modes can be combined, which makes the generated auto-mask more specific. For example it's possible to auto-mask strokes that use specific layer and material while excluding others.
- 笔画
Only strokes that are under the cursor when you started the tool are affected.
- 层
Only strokes on the same layers that are under the cursor when you started the tool are affected.
- 材质
Only materials with the same material that are under the cursor when you started the tool are affected.
- 活动层
Only the strokes on the active layer are affected.
- 活动材质
Only the strokes with the active material are affected.
反转笔划切换 Ctrl
更改活动材质 U