
模糊属性 节点在相邻几何元素之间平滑属性值。
The goal of each step is mixing values of each element with its neighbors. The weight for element is factor for multiplying all neighbor's values before accumulating them as new primitive value.
Blurring will only work with certain geometry types and attribute domains. Therefore, the attribute can only be affected on the Meshes and Curves components.
The domains this node works on is based on the field context of the node's evaluation. Only domains with explicit relations with their neighbors will work with this node. Explicit relations for correct blurring are vertices, edges, and faces of meshes, and curve control points.
Blurring of face corner attributes is not handled by this node, because the ideal behavior for mixing face corner values is not clear.
- 数值
The immediate value of each primitive to blur.
- 迭代
Number of repetitions of mixing value with neighbors. Each iteration is independent. Until one iteration is completed, its results are not used as a source for next blurring.
- 权重
- 数据类型
- 数值
Values, mixed with neighbors defined number of times.

Input is Mesh Plane. First 细分网格 add some faces for capture color with 随机值 used as hue in 合并颜色节点 on this. Now second 细分网格 split each face on a lot of new. Each one new duplicates original attribute. Blur Attribute node mixes all attributes for each face. Due to this, the result is smoothed.