This page details the general hotkey operators and menu operators in sculpt mode.
- 移动
- 旋转
- 比例|缩放
- 球形
See also
显示 / 隐藏
- 模式:
- 菜单:
Some very common hotkey operators to control the visibility based on face sets. These are not part of any menu and have to be used via the shortcuts. More visibility operators can be found in the Face Sets Menu and the Pie Menu shortcut W. (Since visibility is often toggled via face sets.)
- 框选隐藏
- 框选显示
绘制一个方框以显示隐藏的面。其工作原理类似于 框选 工具。
- 切换可见性 H
Hide all face sets except the active one (under the cursor). If face sets are already hidden, then this operator will show everything.
- Hide Active Face Set Shift-H
Hide the face set under the cursor. Press H afterwards to show everything.
These two shortcuts are inverted compared to other modes, to make the operators more convenient to access. Toggling the Visibility is far more often used. If this behavior is undesired it's recommended to change the keymap in the preferences.
- 显示全部 W, Alt-H
Reveal all hidden faces.
- Invert Visible Face Sets
Hides all geometry that is part of a face set and makes all hidden geometry that is part of a face set visible.
- 隐藏遮罩作用项
See also
更多常规介绍见于 可见性、遮罩 & 面组。
The trimming operators add or remove geometry from the mesh based on a gesture input. These operators are especially useful for sketching an early base mesh for further sculpting with the voxel remesher.
- 划线投影
Flattens the geometry along a plane determined by the camera view and a drawn line. The region of the mesh being flattened is visualized by the side of the line that is shaded.
These operators smooths geometry patches based of a Face set.
See also
- 平顺位置
Creates a perfectly flat and smooth geometry patch from the face set. This is the ideal way to trim parts of your mesh if the vertex count is too high for other operations, or the vertex IDs must not be altered (Like when using Multires sculpting).
- 平顺切向
通过最小化顶点 切向 的变化,从面组创建一个尽可能平滑的几何补丁。这对于在复杂拓扑结构上创建平滑的曲面非常理想,在这种情况下,仅使用平滑笔刷不会产生预期的结果
Applies a deformation to all vertices in the mesh at the same time. Masking, auto-masking and visibility will be taken into account.
To use these operators, click and drag away from left to right or from right to left for a negative effect.
See also
- 平滑化
Smooths the positions of the vertices to either polish surfaces or remove volume from larger shapes. Especially useful to fix most of the artifacts of the voxel remesher. This filter works similar to the Smooth brush.
- 表面平滑
Eliminates irregularities of the mesh by making the positions of the vertices more uniform while preserving the volume of the object. This filter works similar to the Surface deformation type of the Smooth brush.
- 膨胀
Displaces vertices uniformly along their normal. This filter works similar to the Inflate brush.
- 松弛拓扑
Tries to create an even distribution of quads without deforming the volume of the mesh. This filter works the same as holding Shift with the Slide Relax brush.
- 松弛面组
This will remove the jagged lines visible after drawing or creating a face set. This filter works the same as holding Shift with the Draw Face Set brush.
- 锐化
Sharpens and smooths the mesh based on its curvature, resulting in pinching hard edges and polishing flat surfaces. Especially useful when sculpting hard surfaces and stylized models with creasing and flattening brushes.
- 增强细节
Increases the high frequency surface details of the mesh by intensifying the difference between creases and valleys. This filter works similar to the inverted direction of the Smooth brush.
- 擦除置换
Deletes displacement information of the Multires Modifier, resetting the mesh to a regular subdivision surface result. This can be used to reset parts of the sculpt or to fix reprojection artifacts after applying a Shrinkwrap Modifier.
负冲程会加剧位移细节,这种方法的工作方式类似于 增强细节,在某些情况下可以提供更好的结果。
- 随机
沿顶点法线随机移动顶点。该滤镜的工作原理类似于 随机化变换。
- 模式:
- 菜单:
Like Object and Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode also has a Pivot Point. This is because the basic move, rotate and scale transforms are also supported in Sculpt Mode. But the pivot point in Sculpt Mode is unique. It always moves together with the transformed mesh and can be both manually & automatically placed.
- 原点
- 未遮罩
- 遮罩边界
Sets the pivot position to the center of the mask's border. This operation will automatically happen when using 扩展.
- 活动顶点
- 曲面
For more convenient placement of the pivot point it's recommended to assign a shortcut to either Surface or Active Vertex.
See also
更多常规介绍见于 变换。
- 模式:
- 菜单:
Recalculates the BVH used by 动态拓扑 to improve performance, which might degrade over time while using Dyntopo.
See also
更多常规介绍见于 自适应分辨率。
- 模式:
- 菜单:
- 快捷键:
将雕刻模式从 活动 对象切换到鼠标下的对象。请参阅 切换物体 了解更多信息。
See also
更多常规介绍见于 多物体下工作。