Trees | Indices | Help |
This object gives access to Scene rendering contexts in Blender.
int (if prototype is empty) |
string |
string |
string |
string |
string |
int (if prototype is empty) |
string |
int (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
enum constant |
enum constant - |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
string |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
float (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
int (if prototype is empty) |
RenderLayer |
int |
OSALevel Oversampling (anti-aliasing) level. |
int |
activeLayer The active render layer. |
int |
alphaMode Setting for sky/background. |
int |
aspectX Horizontal aspect ratio. |
int |
aspectY Vertical aspect ratio. |
boolean |
backbuf Backbuffer image enabled. |
string |
backbufPath Path to a background image (setting loads image). |
float |
bakeBias The distance in blender units to bias faces further away from the object. |
bool |
bakeClear When enabled, baking clears the image first. |
float |
bakeDist The distance in blender units to use when bakeToActive is enabled and geomtry does not overlap. |
int |
bakeMargin The pixel distance to extend baked pixels past the boundry (reduces bleeding when mipmapping) |
int |
bakeMode The method used when baking, see BakeModes. |
int |
bakeNormalSpace The method used when baking, see BakeNormalSpaceModes. |
bool |
bakeNormalize Normalize AO and displacement to the range of the distance value. |
bool |
bakeToActive When enabled, selected objects are baked onto the active object. |
list of 4 floats. |
border The border for border rendering. |
boolean |
borderRender Small cut-out rendering enabled. |
int |
cFrame The current frame for rendering. |
boolean |
compositeFree Free nodes that are not used while composite. |
boolean |
compositor 'Do Compositor' enabled. |
boolean |
crop Crop image during border renders. |
int |
displayMode Render output in separate window or 3D view. |
int |
eFrame Ending frame for rendering. |
list of 3 RGB floats |
edgeColor RGB color triplet for edges in Toon shading (unified renderer). |
boolean |
environmentMap Environment map rendering enabled. |
boolean |
extensions Add extensions to output (when rendering animations). |
boolean |
fieldRendering Field rendering enabled. |
int |
fieldTimeDisable Time difference in field calculations disabled. |
fps Frames per second. |
float |
fpsBase Frames per second base: used to generate fractional frames per second values. |
boolean |
freeImages Texture images are freed after render. |
string |
ftypePath The path to Ftype file. |
int |
gameFrame Game framing type. |
list of RGB 3 floats |
gameFrameColor RGB color triplet for bars. |
boolean |
gammaCorrection Gamma correction enabled. |
float |
gaussFilter Gauss filter size. |
bool |
halfFloat When enabled use 16bit floats rather then 32bit for OpenEXR files. |
int |
imagePlanes Image depth in bits. |
int |
imageType File format for saving images. |
int |
mapNew New mapping value (in frames). |
int |
mapOld Number of frames the Map Old will last Values are clamped to the range [1,900]. |
float |
mblurFactor Motion blur factor. |
bitfield |
mode Mode bitfield. |
boolean |
motionBlur Motion blur enabled. |
bool |
noOverwrite Skip rendering frames when the file exists. |
boolean |
oddFieldFirst Odd field first rendering enabled. |
boolean |
oversampling Oversampling (anti-aliasing) enabled. |
boolean |
panorama Panorama rendering enabled. |
bool |
preview When enabled, save a preview jpeg with an OpenEXR file |
boolean |
radiosityRender Radiosity rendering enabled. |
boolean |
rayTracing Ray tracing enabled. |
string |
renderPath The path to output the rendered images. |
int |
renderer Rendering engine choice. |
int |
renderwinSize Size of the rendering window. |
int |
sFrame Starting frame for rendering. |
boolean |
saveBuffers Save render buffers to disk while rendering, saves memory. |
bitfield |
sceneMode Scene mode bitfield. |
boolean |
sequencer Enables sequencer output rendering. |
BPy_Scene or None |
set The scene linked as a set to this scene. |
boolean |
shadow Shadow calculation enabled. |
boolean |
singleLayer Only render the active layer. |
int |
sizeX Image width (in pixels). |
int |
sizeY Image height (in pixels). |
int |
threads Number of threads to render, clamed [1-8] |
string |
timeCode Get the current frame in HH:MM:SS:FF format. |
boolean |
toonShading Toon edge shading enabled. |
bool |
touch Create an empty file before rendering it. |
boolean |
unified Unified Renderer enabled. |
int |
xParts Number of horizontal parts for image render. |
int |
yParts Number of vertical parts for image render. |
int [0, 64] |
yafrayAntiAliasingPasses Number of anti-aliasing passes (0 is no Anti-Aliasing). |
float [1.0, 2.0] |
yafrayAntiAliasingPixelSize Anti-aliasing pixel filter size. |
int [0, 2048] |
yafrayAntiAliasingSamples Number of samples per pass. |
float [0.05, 1.0] |
yafrayAntiAliasingThreshold Anti-aliasing threshold. |
boolean |
yafrayAutoAntiAliasing Automatic anti-aliasing enabled/disabled. |
boolean |
yafrayClampRGB Clamp RGB enabled/disabled. |
boolean |
yafrayExportToXML If true export to an xml file and call yafray instead of plugin. |
boolean |
yafrayGICache Cache occlusion/irradiance samples (faster). |
boolean |
yafrayGICacheBumpNormals Enable/disable bumpnormals for cache. |
int [1, 50] |
yafrayGICachePixelsPerSample Maximum number of pixels without samples, the lower the better and slower. |
float [0.001, 1.0] |
yafrayGICacheRefinement Threshold to refine shadows EXPERIMENTAL. |
float [0.01, 1.0] |
yafrayGICacheShadowQuality Shadow quality, keep it under 0.95 :-). |
int {NONE (0), SKYDOME (1), GIFULL (2)} |
yafrayGIMethod Global Illumination method. |
boolean |
yafrayGIPhotons Enable/disable use of global photons to help in GI. |
int {NONE (0), LOW (1), MEDIUM (2), HIGH (3), HIGHER (4), BEST (5), USEAOSETTINGS (6)} |
yafrayGIQuality Global Illumination quality. |
boolean |
yafrayGITunePhotons If true the photonmap is shown directly in the render for tuning. |
bool |
zbuf When enabled, save the zbuffer with an OpenEXR file |
Get/set the current frame.
Saves the image rendered using RenderData.render() to the filename and path given in the variable 'filename'. Make sure the filename you provide makes a valid path when added to the "render path" (setRenderPath/getRenderPath) to make up the absolute path. If you want to render to a new absolute path just set the renderpath to an empty string and use the absolute path as the filename.
Since: 2.40 Requires: You must have an image currently rendered before calling this method Warning: This wont work in background mode. use renderAnim instead. |
Get the current frame as a string in HH:MM:SS:FF format
Set the path to where the renderer will write to.
Get the path to where the renderer will write to.
Get the filename used for the remdered image.
Set the path to a background image and load it.
Get the path to the background image.
Enable/disable the backbuf image.
Set the path to Ftype file.
Get the path to the Ftype file
Enable/disable windows extensions for output files.
Enable/disable Do Sequence.
Enable/disable Scene daemon.
Enable/disable Edge rendering.
Get/set edge intensity for toon shading.
Set the edge color for toon shading.
Get the edge color for toon shading.
With the unified renderer, reduce intensity on boundaries.
Enable/disable oversampling (anti-aliasing).
Set the level of over-sampling (anti-aliasing).
Enable/disable MBlur.
Get/set the length of shutter time for motion blur.
Get/set the number of parts to divide the render in the X direction.
Get/set the number of parts to divide the render in the Y direction.
Enable/disable shadow calculation.
Enable/disable environment map rendering.
Enable/disable ray tracing.
Enable/disable radiosity rendering.
Enable/disable panorama rendering (output width is multiplied by Xparts).
Set the size of the render window.
Get the size of the render window.
Enable/disable field rendering
Enable/disable Odd field first rendering (Default: Even field).
Enable/disable time difference in field calculations.
Enable/disable Gauss sampling filter for anti-aliasing.
Enable/disable small cut-out rendering.
Set a border for rendering from cameras in the scene. The left,bottom coordinates and right,top coordinates define the size of the border. (0,0,1,1) will set the border to the whole camera. (0,0) lower left and (1,1) upper right.
Enable/disable gamma correction.
Get/sets the Gauss filter size.
Get/set the starting frame for sequence rendering.
Get/set the ending frame for sequence rendering.
Get/set the image width in pixels.
Get/set the image height in pixels.
Get/set the horizontal aspect ratio.
Get/set the vertical aspect ratio.
Get/set which renderer to render the output.
Set the type of image to output from the render.
Get/set quality get/setting for JPEG images, AVI JPEG and SGI movies.
Get/set frames per second.
Set the renderer to one of a few presets.
Use the unified renderer.
Set yafray global Illumination quality.
Get yafray global Illumination quality.
Set yafray global Illumination method.
Get yafray global Illumination method.
Get/set GI lighting intensity scale. YafrayMethod must be either SKYDOME or GIFULL.
Get/set GI indirect lighting intensity scale.
Get/set number of bounces of the indirect light. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL.
Get/set number of bounces inside objects (for caustics). YafrayMethod must be GIFULL.
Enable/disable cache irradiance samples (faster). YafrayMethod must be GIFULL.
Enable/disable use of global photons to help in GI. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL.
Get/set number of photons to shoot. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Photons enabled.
Get/set radius to search for photons to mix (blur). YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Photons enabled.
Get/set number of photons to keep inside radius. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Photons enabled.
Enable/disable show the photon map directly in the render for tuning. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Photons enabled.
Get/set the shadow quality, keep it under 0.95. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Cache enabled.
Get/set maximum number of pixels without samples, the lower the better and slower. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Cache enabled.
Enable/disable try to smooth lighting using a gradient. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Cache enabled.
Get/set threshold to refine shadows EXPERIMENTAL. 1 = no refinement. YafrayMethod must be GIFULL and Cache enabled.
Get/set shadow ray bias to avoid self shadowing.
Get/set maximum render ray depth from the camera.
Get/set gamma correction, 1 is off.
Get/set exposure adjustment, 0 is off.
Set the red, green, blue component of the bars.
Set the red, green, blue component of the bars.
Get/set the gamma value for blending oversampled images (1.0 = no correction). Unified renderer must be enabled.
Get/set post processing add. Unified renderer must be enabled.
Get/set post processing multiply. Unified renderer must be enabled.
Get/set post processing gamma. Unified renderer must be enabled.
Get/set maximum size per frame to save in an SGI movie. SGI must be defined on your machine.
Enable/disable attempt to save SGI movies using Cosmo hardware SGI must be defined on your machine.
Get/set specify old map value in frames.
Get/set specify new map value in frames.
Add a new render layer to the rendering context, see RenderLayer.
Remove the specified render layer from the rendering context.
OSALevelOversampling (anti-aliasing) level. Valid values are 5, 8, 11, or 16.
activeLayerThe active render layer. Must be in range[0,num render layers-1]
alphaModeSetting for sky/background. Valid values are 0 (fill background with sky), 1 (multiply alpha in advance), or 2 (alpha and color values remain unchanged).
aspectXHorizontal aspect ratio. Values are clamped to the range [1,200].
aspectYVertical aspect ratio. Values are clamped to the range [1,200].
borderThe border for border rendering. The format is [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]. Values are clamped to [0.0,1.0].
borderRenderSmall cut-out rendering enabled. Also see BORDER_RENDER in Modes constant dict.
cFrameThe current frame for rendering. Values are clamped to the range [1,MAXFRAME].
cropCrop image during border renders. Also see CROP in Modes constant dict.
displayModeRender output in separate window or 3D view. Valid values are 0 (display in image editor view), 1 (display in render window), or 2 (display full screen).
eFrameEnding frame for rendering. Values are clamped to the range [1,MAXFRAME].
edgeColorRGB color triplet for edges in Toon shading (unified renderer). Values are clamped in the range [0.0,1.0].
environmentMapEnvironment map rendering enabled. Also see ENVMAP in Modes constant dict.
extensionsAdd extensions to output (when rendering animations). Also see EXTENSION in SceModes constant dict.
fieldRenderingField rendering enabled. Also see FIELDRENDER in Modes constant dict.
fpsFrames per second. Values are clamped to the range [1,120]. |
fpsBaseFrames per second base: used to generate fractional frames per second values. For example, setting fps to 30 and fps_base to 1.001 will approximate the NTSC frame rate of 29.97 fps. Values are clamped to the range [1,120].
gameFrameGame framing type. See FramingModes constant dict.
gameFrameColorRGB color triplet for bars. Values are clamped in the range [0.0,1.0].
gammaCorrectionGamma correction enabled. Also see GAMMA in Modes constant dict.
gaussFilterGauss filter size. Values are clamped to the range [0.5,1.5].
imagePlanesImage depth in bits. Valid values are 8, 24, or 32.
imageTypeFile format for saving images. See the module's constants for values.
mapNewNew mapping value (in frames). Values are clamped to the range [1,900].
mblurFactorMotion blur factor. Values are clamped to the range [0.01,5.0].
modeMode bitfield. See Modes constant dict for values.
motionBlurMotion blur enabled. Also see MBLUR in Modes constant dict.
oddFieldFirstOdd field first rendering enabled. Also see ODDFIELD in Modes constant dict.
oversamplingOversampling (anti-aliasing) enabled. Also see OSA in Modes constant dict.
panoramaPanorama rendering enabled. Also see PANORAMA in Modes constant dict.
rayTracingRay tracing enabled. Also see RAYTRACING in Modes constant dict.
rendererRendering engine choice. Valid values are 0 (internal) or 1 (Yafray).
renderwinSizeSize of the rendering window. Valid values are 25, 50, 75, or 100.
sFrameStarting frame for rendering. Values are clamped to the range [1,MAXFRAME].
sceneModeScene mode bitfield. See SceModes constant dict for values.
sequencerEnables sequencer output rendering. Also see SEQUENCER in SceModes constant dict.
setThe scene linked as a set to this scene. Values are an existing scene or None (setting to None clears the set). The scene argument cannot cause a circular link.
shadowShadow calculation enabled. Also see SHADOW in Modes constant dict.
sizeXImage width (in pixels). Values are clamped to the range [4,10000].
sizeYImage height (in pixels). Values are clamped to the range [4,10000].
timeCodeGet the current frame in HH:MM:SS:FF format. Read-only.
toonShadingToon edge shading enabled. Also see TOONSHADING in Modes constant dict.
unifiedUnified Renderer enabled. Also see UNIFIED in Modes constant dict.
xPartsNumber of horizontal parts for image render. Values are clamped to the range [2,512].
yPartsNumber of vertical parts for image render. Values are clamped to the range [2,512].
yafrayGICacheRefinementThreshold to refine shadows EXPERIMENTAL. 1 = no refinement.
yafrayGIMethodGlobal Illumination method. Valid values are NONE (0), SKYDOME (1) or FULL (2).
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Fri Oct 24 10:23:52 2008 | |