Module Texture
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Source Code for Module Texture

  1  # 
  2  # Blender.Texture module and the Texture PyType object 
  3  # 
  4  # Written by Alex Mole 
  5  #  
  7  """ 
  8  The Blender.Texture submodule. 
 10  B{New}: 
 11          - many new attributes in L{MTex} submodule 
 12          - new dictionaries (L{Texture.BlendModes}, L{Texture.Mappings}, L{Texture.Proj}) to use for the values of some of the new L{MTex} attributes. 
 14  Texture 
 15  ======= 
 17  This module provides access to B{Texture} objects in Blender. 
 19  Example:: 
 21          from Blender import Texture,Image,Material 
 23          footex = Texture.Get('foo')             # get texture named 'foo' 
 24          footex.setType('Image')                 # make foo be an image texture 
 25          img = Image.Load('test.png')            # load an image 
 26          footex.image = img                      # link the image to the texture 
 28          mat = Material.Get('bar')               # get a material 
 29          mtextures = mat.getTextures()           # get a list of the MTex objects 
 30          for mtex in mtextures: 
 31                  if mtex.tex.type == Texture.Types.IMAGE:  
 32                          print mtex.tex.image.filename   # print the filenames of all the 
 33                                                                                          # images in textures linked to "bar" 
 35          mat.setTexture(0, footex)               # set the material's first texture 
 36                                                                                          # to be our texture 
 39  @type Types: readonly dictionary 
 40  @var Types: The available texture types: 
 41                  - NONE -  No texture 
 42                  - CLOUDS - Clouds texture 
 43                  - WOOD - Wood texture 
 44                  - MARBLE - Marble texture 
 45                  - MAGIC - Magic texture 
 46                  - BLEND - Blend texture 
 47                  - STUCCI - Stucci texture 
 48                  - NOISE - Noise texture 
 49                  - IMAGE - Image texture 
 50                  - PLUGIN - Plugin texture 
 51                  - ENVMAP - EnvMap texture 
 52                  - MUSGRAVE - Musgrave procedural texture 
 53                  - VORONOI - Voronoi procedural texture 
 54                  - DISTNOISE - Distorted noise texture 
 56  @type Flags: readonly dictionary 
 57  @var Flags: The available Texture flags: 
 58                  - FLIPBLEND - Flips the blend texture's X and Y directions 
 59                  - NEGALPHA - Reverse the alpha value 
 60                  - CHECKER_ODD - Fill the "odd" checkerboard tiles 
 61                  - CHECKER_EVEN - Fill the "even" checkerboard tiles 
 62                  - COLORBAND - Enable colorband for this texture 
 63          - PREVIEW_ALPHA - Show alpha in preview 
 64          - REPEAT_XMIR - Mirrors X direction repeat 
 65          - REPEAT_YMIR - Mirrors Y direction repeat 
 67  @type ImageFlags: readonly dictionary 
 68  @var ImageFlags: The available image flags for Texture.imageFlags: 
 69                  - INTERPOL - Interpolate pixels of the image 
 70                  - USEALPHA - Use the alpha layer 
 71                  - MIPMAP - Enable mipmapping [cannot be used with FIELDS] 
 72                  - FIELDS - Work with field images [cannot be used with MIPMAP] 
 73                  - ROT90 - Rotate the image 90 degrees when rendering 
 74                  - CALCALPHA - Calculate an alpha from the RGB 
 75                  - STFIELD - Denotes this is a standard field 
 76                  - MOVIE - Use a movie for an image 
 77                  - CYCLIC - Repeat animation image 
 78                  - ANTI - Use anti-aliasing 
 79                  - NORMALMAP - Use image RGB values for normal mapping 
 81  @type ExtendModes: readonly dictionary 
 82  @var ExtendModes: Extend, clip, repeat or checker modes for image textures 
 83                  - EXTEND - Extends the color of the edge 
 84                  - CLIP - Return alpha 0.0 outside image 
 85                  - CLIPCUBE - Return alpha 0.0 around cube-shaped area around image 
 86                  - REPEAT - Repeat image vertically and horizontally 
 87                  - CHECKER - Repeat image in checkerboard pattern 
 89  @type Noise: readonly dictionary 
 90  @var Noise: Noise types and bases.  SINE, SAW and TRI are only used for 
 91                  marble and wood textures, while the remainder are used for all textures 
 92                  which has a noise basis function (for these textures, the constant should 
 93                  be used with the second noise basis setting). 
 94                          - SINE - Produce bands using sine wave (marble, wood textures) 
 95                          - SAW - Produce bands using saw wave (marble, wood textures) 
 96                          - TRI - Produce bands using triangle wave (marble, wood textures) 
 97                          - BLENDER - Original Blender algorithm 
 98                          - PERLIN - Ken Perlin's original (1985) algorithm 
 99                          - IMPROVEDPERLIN - Ken Perlin's newer (2002) algorithm 
100                          - VORONOIF1 - none 
101                          - VORONOIF2 - none 
102                          - VORONOIF3 - none 
103                          - VORONOIF4 - none 
104                          - VORONOIF2F1 - none 
105                          - VORONOICRACKLE - none 
106                          - CELLNOISE - Steven Worley's cellular basis algorithm (1996) 
108  @type BlendModes: readonly dictionary 
109  @var BlendModes: The available texture blending modes: 
110                  - MIX - mix texture with value 
111                  - MULTIPLY - multiply texture with value 
112                  - ADD - add texture to value 
113                  - SUBTRACT - subtract texture from value 
114                  - DIVIDE - divide value by texture 
115                  - DARKEN - replace value with texture if texture is darker 
116                  - DIFFERENCE - difference of texture from value 
117                  - LIGHTEN - replace value with texture if texture is lighter 
118                  - SCREEN - 'screen' mode 
120  @type Mappings: readonly dictionary 
121  @var Mappings: The available 2D texture coordinate mappings for images: 
122                  - FLAT - flat projection 
123                  - CUBE - cube projection 
124                  - TUBE - cylindrical projection 
125                  - SPHERE - spherical projection 
127  @type Proj: readonly dictionary 
128  @var Proj: The available projections per axis: 
129                  - NONE - axis isn't used 
130                  - X - axis is used as final x axis 
131                  - Y - axis is used as final y axis 
132                  - Z - axis is used as final z axis 
134  @type STypes: readonly dictionary 
135  @var STypes: Texture-type specific data. Depending on the value of 
136                  Texture.type, certain groups will make sense. For instance, when a texture  
137                  is of type CLOUD, the CLD_xxx stypes can be used. Note that the first  
138                  value in each group is the default. 
139                                  1. Clouds type 
140                                                  - CLD_DEFAULT - Monochromatic noise 
141                                                  - CLD_COLOR - RGB noise 
142                                  2. Wood type 
143                                                  - WOD_BANDS - Use standard wood texture 
144                                                  - WOD_RINGS - Use wood rings 
145                                                  - WOD_BANDNOISE - Add noise to standard wood 
146                                                  - WOD_RINGNOISE - Add noise to rings 
147                                  3. Magic type 
148                                                  - MAG_DEFAULT - Magic has no STypes 
149                                  4. Marble type 
150                                                  - MBL_SOFT - Use soft marble 
151                                                  - MBL_SHARP - Use more clearly defined marble 
152                                                  - MBL_SHARPER - Use very clearly dfefined marble 
153                                  5. Blend type 
154                                                  - BLN_LIN - Use a linear progression 
155                                                  - BLN_QUAD - Use a quadratic progression 
156                                                  - BLN_EASE - Uses a more complicated blend function 
157                                                  - BLN_DIAG - Use a diagonal progression 
158                                                  - BLN_SPHERE - Use a progression with the shape of a sphere 
159                                                  - BLN_HALO - Use a quadratic progression with the shape of a sphere 
160                                  6. Stucci type 
161                                                  - STC_PLASTIC - Standard stucci 
162                                                  - STC_WALLIN - Creates dimples 
163                                                  - STC_WALLOUT - Creates ridges 
164                                  7. Noise type 
165                                                  - NSE_DEFAULT - Noise has no STypes 
166                                  8. Image type 
167                                                  - IMG_DEFAULT - Image has no STypes 
168                                  9. Plugin type 
169                                                  - PLG_DEFAULT - Plugin has no STypes 
170                                  10. Envmap type 
171                                                  - ENV_STATIC - Calculate map only once 
172                                                  - ENV_ANIM - Calculate map each rendering 
173                                                  - ENV_LOAD - Load map from disk 
174                                  11. Musgrave type 
175                                                  - MUS_MFRACTAL - Hetero Multifractal 
176                                                  - MUS_RIDGEDMF - Ridged Multifractal 
177                                                  - MUS_HYBRIDMF - Hybrid Multifractal 
178                                                  - MUS_FBM - Fractal Brownian Motion 
179                                                  - MUS_HTERRAIN - Hetero Terrain 
180                                  12. Voronoi type 
181                                                  - VN_INT - Only calculate intensity 
182                                                  - VN_COL1 - Color cells by position 
183                                                  - VN_COL2 - Same as Col1 plus outline based on F2-F1 
184                                                  - VN_COL3 - Same as Col2 multiplied by intensity 
185                                  13. Distorted noise type 
186                                                  - DN_BLENDER - Original Blender algorithm 
187                                                  - DN_PERLIN - Ken Perlin's original (1985) algorithm 
188                                                  - DN_IMPROVEDPERLIN - Ken Perlin's newer (2002) algorithm 
189                                                  - DN_VORONOIF1 - none 
190                                                  - DN_VORONOIF2 - none 
191                                                  - DN_VORONOIF3 - none 
192                                                  - DN_VORONOIF4 - none 
193                                                  - DN_VORONOIF2F1 - none 
194                                                  - DN_VORONOICRACKLE - none 
195                                                  - DN_CELLNOISE - Steven Worley's cellular basis algorithm (1996) 
197  @var TexCo: Flags for MTex.texco. 
198                  - ORCO - Use the original coordinates of the mesh (material texture only) 
199                  - REFL - Use reflection vector as texture coordinates  (material texture only) 
200                  - NOR - Use normal vector as texture coordinates  (material texture only) 
201                  - GLOB - Use global coordinates for the texture coordinates 
202                  - UV - Use UV coordinates for texture coordinates  (material texture only) 
203                  - OBJECT - Use linked object's coordinates for texture coordinates 
204                  - WIN - Use screen coordinates as texture coordinates  (material texture only) 
205                  - VIEW - Use view coordinates for the texture (world and lamp texture only) 
206                  - STICK - Use mesh sticky coordinates for the texture coordinates (material texture only) 
207                  - STRESS - Use mesh stress coordinates for the texture coordinates (material texture only) 
208                  - TANGENT - Use mesh tangent coordinates for the texture coordinates (material texture only) 
209                  - ANGMAP - Uses 360 degree angular coordinates, e.g. for spherical light probes (world texture only) 
210                  - HSPHERE - For 360 degree panorama sky, spherical mapped, only top half (world texture only) 
211                  - HTUBE - For 360 degree panorama sky, cylindrical mapped, only top half (world texture only) 
212  @type TexCo: readonly dictionary 
214  @var MapTo: Flags for MTex.mapto 
215                  - COL - Make the texture affect the basic color of the material 
216                  - NOR - Make the texture affect the rendered normal 
217                  - CSP - Make the texture affect the specularity color 
218                  - CMIR - Make the texture affect the mirror color 
219                  - REF - Make the texture affect the diffuse reflectivity value 
220                  - SPEC - Make the texture affect the specularity value 
221                  - HARD - Make the texture affect the hardness value 
222                  - ALPHA - Make the texture affect the alpha value 
223                  - EMIT - Make the texture affect the emit value 
224                  - RAYMIR - Make the texture affect the mirror reflectivity value 
225                  - DISP - Make the texture displace the mesh 
226                  - TRANSLU - Make the texture affect the translucency value 
227                  - AMB - Make the texture affect the ambient value 
228                  - WARP - Make the texture affect texture coordinates for the following textures 
229  @type MapTo: readonly dictionary 
231  """ 
233 -def New (name = 'Tex'):
234 """ 235 Create a new Texture object. 236 @type name: string 237 @param name: The Texture name. 238 @rtype: Blender Texture 239 @return: The created Texture object. 240 """
242 -def Get (name = None):
243 """ 244 Get the Texture object(s) from Blender. 245 @type name: string 246 @param name: The name of the Texture. 247 @rtype: Blender Texture or a list of Blender Textures 248 @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: 249 - (name): The Texture object with the given I{name}; 250 - (): A list with all Texture objects in the current scene. 251 """
252 253 from IDProp import IDGroup, IDArray
254 -class Texture:
255 """ 256 The Texture object 257 ================== 258 This object gives access to Texture-specific data in Blender. 259 260 Note that many of the attributes of this object are only relevant for 261 specific texture types. 262 263 @ivar animFrames: Number of frames of a movie to use. 264 Value is clamped to the range [0,300000]. 265 @type animFrames: int 266 @ivar animOffset: Offsets the number of the first movie frame to use. 267 Value is clamped to the range [-300000,300000]. 268 @type animOffset: int 269 @ivar animStart: Starting frame of the movie to use. 270 Value is clamped to the range [1,300000]. 271 @type animStart: int 272 @ivar anti: Image anti-aliasing enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 273 @type anti: int 274 @ivar brightness: Changes the brightness of a texture's color. 275 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,2.0]. 276 @type brightness: float 277 @ivar calcAlpha: Calculation of image's alpha channel enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 278 @type calcAlpha: int 279 @ivar contrast: Changes the contrast of a texture's color. 280 Value is clamped to the range [0.01,5.0]. 281 @type contrast: float 282 @ivar crop: Sets the cropping extents (for image textures). 283 @type crop: tuple of 4 ints 284 @ivar cyclic: Looping of animated frames enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 285 @type cyclic: boolean 286 @ivar distAmnt: Amount of distortion (for distorted noise textures). 287 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0]. 288 @type distAmnt: float 289 @ivar distMetric: The distance metric (for Voronoi textures). 290 @type distMetric: int 291 @ivar exp: Minkovsky exponent (for Minkovsky Voronoi textures). 292 Value is clamped to the range [0.01,10.0]. 293 @type exp: float 294 @ivar extend: Texture's 'Extend' mode (for image textures). See L{ExtendModes}. 295 @type extend: int 296 @ivar fields: Use of image's fields enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 297 @type fields: int 298 @ivar fieldsPerImage: Number of fields per rendered frame. 299 Value is clamped to the range [1,200]. 300 @type fieldsPerImage: int 301 @ivar filterSize: The filter size (for image and envmap textures). 302 Value is clamped to the range [0.1,25.0]. 303 @type filterSize: float 304 @ivar flags: Texture's 'Flag' bitfield. See L{Flags}. 305 bitmask. 306 @type flags: int 307 @ivar hFracDim: Highest fractional dimension (for Musgrave textures). 308 Value is clamped to the range [0.0001,2.0]. 309 @type hFracDim: float 310 @ivar iScale: Intensity output scale (for Musgrave and Voronoi textures). 311 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,10.0]. 312 @type iScale: float 313 @ivar image: Texture's image object. 314 @type image: Blender Image (or None) 315 @ivar imageFlags: Texture's 'ImageFlags' bits. 316 @type imageFlags: int 317 @ivar interpol: Interpolate image's pixels to fit texture mapping enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 318 @type interpol: int 319 @ivar ipo: Texture Ipo data. 320 Contains the Ipo if one is assigned to the object, B{None} otherwise. Setting to B{None} clears the current Ipo.. 321 @type ipo: Blender Ipo 322 @ivar lacunarity: Gap between succesive frequencies (for Musgrave textures). 323 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,6.0]. 324 @type lacunarity: float 325 @ivar mipmap: Mipmaps enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 326 @type mipmap: int 327 @ivar movie: Movie frames as images enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 328 @type movie: int 329 @ivar noiseBasis: Noise basis type (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, 330 Musgrave, distorted). See L{Noise} dictionary. 331 @type noiseBasis: int 332 @ivar noiseBasis2: Additional noise basis type (wood, marble, distorted 333 noise). See L{Noise} dictionary. 334 @type noiseBasis2: int 335 @ivar noiseDepth: Noise depth (magic, marble, clouds). 336 Value is clamped to the range [0,6]. 337 @type noiseDepth: int 338 @ivar noiseSize: Noise size (wood, stucci, marble, clouds, Musgrave, 339 distorted noise). 340 Value is clamped to the range [0.0001,2.0]. 341 @type noiseSize: float 342 @ivar noiseType: Noise type (for wood, stucci, marble, clouds textures). Valid values are 'hard' or 'soft'. 343 @type noiseType: string 344 @ivar normalMap: Use of image RGB values for normal mapping enabled. 345 Also see L{ImageFlags}. 346 @type normalMap: int 347 @ivar octs: Number of frequencies (for Musgrave textures). 348 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,8.0]. 349 @type octs: float 350 @ivar offset: Fractal offset (for hetero terrain and multifractal Musgrave textures). 351 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,6.0]. 352 @type offset: float 353 @ivar gain: Gain multiplier (for multifractal Musgrave textures). 354 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,6.0]. 355 @type gain: float 356 @ivar repeat: Repetition multiplier (for image textures). 357 @type repeat: tuple of 2 ints 358 @ivar rgbCol: RGB color tuple. 359 @type rgbCol: tuple of 3 floats 360 @ivar rot90: X/Y flip for rendering enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 361 @type rot90: int 362 @ivar saw: Produce bands using saw wave (marble, wood textures). Also see L{Noise}. 363 @type saw: int 364 @ivar sine: Produce bands using sine wave (marble, wood textures). Also see L{Noise}. 365 @type sine: int 366 @ivar stField: Standard field deinterlacing enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 367 @type stField: int 368 @ivar stype: Texture's 'SType' mode. See L{STypes}. 369 @type stype: int 370 @ivar tri: Produce bands using triangle wave (marble, wood textures). Also see L{Noise}. 371 @type tri: int 372 @ivar turbulence: Turbulence (for magic, wood, stucci, marble textures). 373 Value is clamped to the range [0.0,200.0]. 374 @type turbulence: float 375 @ivar type: Texture's 'Type' mode. See L{Types}. 376 Value must be in the range [0,13]. 377 @type type: int 378 @ivar useAlpha: Use of image's alpha channel enabled. Also see L{ImageFlags}. 379 @type useAlpha: int 380 @ivar weight1: Weight 1 (for Voronoi textures). 381 Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0]. 382 @type weight1: float 383 @ivar weight2: Weight 2 (for Voronoi textures). 384 Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0]. 385 @type weight2: float 386 @ivar weight3: Weight 3 (for Voronoi textures). 387 Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0]. 388 @type weight3: float 389 @ivar weight4: Weight 4 (for Voronoi textures). 390 Value is clamped to the range [-2.0,2.0]. 391 @type weight4: float 392 @ivar colorband: Texture colorband, a list of colors, 393 each color a list of 5 floats [0 - 1], [r,g,b,a,pos]. 394 The colorband can have between 1 and 31 colors. 395 @type colorband: list 396 @ivar autoRefresh: Refresh image on frame changes enabled. 397 @type autoRefresh: boolean 398 """ 399
400 - def getExtend():
401 """ 402 Get the extend mode of the texture. See L{setExtend}. 403 @rtype: string. 404 """
406 - def getImage():
407 """ 408 Get the Image associated with this texture (or None). 409 @rtype: Blender Image 410 """
412 - def getName():
413 """ 414 Get the name of this Texture object. 415 @rtype: string 416 """
418 - def getType():
419 """ 420 Get this Texture's type. See L{setType}. 421 @rtype: string 422 """
424 - def setExtend(extendmode):
425 """ 426 Set the extend mode of this texture (only used for IMAGE textures) 427 @param extendmode: The new extend mode. One of: 428 'Extend', 'Clip', 'ClipCube' and 'Repeat' 429 @type extendmode: string 430 """
432 - def setFlags(f1=None, f2=None, f3=None, f4=None):
433 """ 434 Set this object's flags. 435 @param f1, f2, f3, f4: Flags to be set (omitted flags are cleared). Can be any of 436 'FlipBlendXY', 'NegAlpha', 'CheckerOdd', and 'CheckerEven' 437 @type f1, f2, f3, f4: string 438 """
440 - def setImage(image):
441 """ 442 Set the Image of this texture. 443 @param image: The new Image. 444 @type image: Blender Image or None. 445 @warning: This sets the texture's type to 'Image' if it is not already. 446 """
448 - def setImageFlags(f1=None, f2=None, f3=None, etc=None):
449 """ 450 Set the Image flags (only makes sense for IMAGE textures). Omitted 451 flags are cleared. 452 @param f1, f2, f3, etc: Flag to set. See L{ImageFlags} for their meanings. Can be 453 any of: 'InterPol', 'UseAlpha', 'MipMap', 'Fields', 'Rot90', 454 'CalcAlpha', 'Cyclic', 'Movie', 'StField', 'Anti' and 'NormalMap' 455 @type f1, f2, f3, etc: string 456 """
458 - def setName(name):
459 """ 460 Set the name of this Texture object. 461 @param name: The new name. 462 @type name: string 463 """
465 - def setSType(stype):
466 """ 467 Set the SType. 468 @param stype: The new stype. This can be any of the values listed in 469 L{STypes} or 'Default' which sets the stype to the default value. 470 @type stype: string 471 472 @note: the set of valid parameters is dependent on the current 473 texture type. Be sure to always set the texture type B{before} 474 setting the texture's stype; otherwise an exception might occur. 475 """
477 - def setType(type):
478 """ 479 Set this Texture's type. 480 @param type: The new type. Possible options are: 481 'None', 'Clouds', 'Wood', 'Marble', 'Magic', 'Blend', 'Stucci', 482 'Noise', 'Image', 'Plugin', 'EnvMap', 'Musgrave', 'Voronoi' 483 and 'DistNoise' 484 @type type: string 485 """
486 - def evaluate(coord):
487 """ 488 Evaluates the texture at this location and returns the result. 489 490 The return value is a 4D vector where (x,y,z,w) are (red, green, blue, intensity) 491 For greyscale textures, often intensity only will be used. 492 @type coord: vector or tuple of 3 numbers 493 """
494 495 import id_generics 496 Texture.__doc__ += id_generics.attributes 497
498 -class MTex:
499 """ 500 The MTex Object 501 =============== 502 503 This object links a material to a texture. It allows the same texture to be 504 used in several different ways. 505 506 @ivar blendmode: Texture blending mode. See L{BlendModes} 507 @type blendmode: int 508 @ivar col: Color that the texture blends with. 509 @type col: tuple 510 @ivar colfac: Factor by which texture affects color. 511 @type colfac: float 512 @ivar correctNor: Correct normal mapping for Texture space and Object space (material only). 513 @type correctNor: boolean 514 @ivar dispfac: Factor by which texture affects displacement (material only). 515 @type dispfac: float 516 @ivar dvar: Value that the texture blends with when not blending colors. 517 @type dvar: float 518 @ivar fromDupli: Duplis instanced from verts, faces or particles, inherit texture coordinate from their parent (material only). 519 @type fromDupli: boolean 520 @ivar fromOrig: Duplis derive their object coordinates from the original objects transformation (material only). 521 @type fromOrig: boolean 522 @ivar mapping: Mapping of texture coordinates (flat, cube, etc.) (material only). See L{Mappings}. 523 @type mapping: int 524 @ivar mapto: "Map to" field of texture (material only). OR'd values of L{MapTo}. 525 @type mapto: int 526 @ivar mtCol: How texture maps to color (material and lamp only). 527 @type mtCol: int 528 @ivar mtAlpha: How texture maps to alpha value (material only). 529 @type mtAlpha: int 530 @ivar mtAmb: How texture maps to ambient value (material only). 531 @type mtAmb: int 532 @ivar mtCmir: How texture maps to mirror color (material only). 533 @type mtCmir: int 534 @ivar mtCsp: How texture maps to specularity color (material only). 535 @type mtCsp: int 536 @ivar mtDisp: How texture maps to displacement (material only). 537 @type mtDisp: int 538 @ivar mtEmit: How texture maps to emit value (material only). 539 @type mtEmit: int 540 @ivar mtHard: How texture maps to hardness (material only). 541 @type mtHard: int 542 @ivar mtNor: How texture maps to normals (material only). 543 @type mtNor: int 544 @ivar mtRayMir: How texture maps to RayMir value (material only). 545 @type mtRayMir: int 546 @ivar mtRef: How texture maps to reflectivity (material only). 547 @type mtRef: int 548 @ivar mtSpec: How texture maps to specularity (material only). 549 @type mtSpec: int 550 @ivar mtTranslu: How texture maps to translucency (material only). 551 @type mtTranslu: int 552 @ivar mtWarp: How texture maps to warp (material only). 553 @type mtWarp: int 554 @ivar mtBlend: Texture affects color progression of background (world only). 555 @type mtBlend: int 556 @ivar mtHoriz: Texture affects color of the horizon (world only). 557 @type mtHoriz: int 558 @ivar mtZenUp: Texture affects color of the zenith above (world only). 559 @type mtZenUp: int 560 @ivar mtZenDown: Texture affects color of the zenith below (world only). 561 @type mtZenDown: int 562 @ivar neg: Negate texture values mode. 563 @type neg: boolean 564 @ivar norfac: Factor by which texture affects normal (material and world only). 565 @type norfac: float 566 @ivar noRGB: Convert texture RGB values to intensity values. 567 @type noRGB: boolean 568 @ivar object: Object whose space to use when texco is Object. 569 @type object: Blender Object or None 570 @ivar ofs: Offset to adjust texture space. 571 @type ofs: tuple 572 @ivar size: Size to scale texture space. 573 @type size: tuple 574 @ivar stencil: Stencil mode. 575 @type stencil: boolean 576 @ivar tex: The Texture this is linked to. 577 @type tex: Blender Texture 578 @ivar texco: Texture coordinates ("Map input"). See L{TexCo}. 579 @type texco: int 580 @ivar uvlayer: The name of the UV Layer this texture is mapped to (when left blank uses render layer) (material only). 581 @type uvlayer: string 582 @ivar varfac: Factor by which texture affects most variables (material and world only). 583 @type varfac: float 584 @ivar warpfac: Factor by which texture affects warp (material only). 585 @type warpfac: float 586 @ivar xproj: Projection of X axis to Texture space (material only). See L{Proj} 587 @type xproj: int 588 @ivar yproj: Projection of Y axis to Texture space (material only). See L{Proj} 589 @type yproj: int 590 @ivar zproj: Projection of Z axis to Texture space (material only). See L{Proj} 591 @type zproj: int 592 """ 593
594 - def getIpo():
595 """ 596 Get the Ipo associated with this texture object, if any. 597 @rtype: Ipo 598 @return: the wrapped ipo or None. 599 """
601 - def setIpo(ipo):
602 """ 603 Link an ipo to this texture object. 604 @type ipo: Blender Ipo 605 @param ipo: a "texture data" ipo. 606 """
608 - def clearIpo():
609 """ 610 Unlink the ipo from this texture object. 611 @return: True if there was an ipo linked or False otherwise. 612 """