Module Texture :: Class MTex
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Class MTex

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The MTex Object

This object links a material to a texture. It allows the same texture to be used in several different ways.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Get the Ipo associated with this texture object, if any.
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Link an ipo to this texture object.
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Unlink the ipo from this texture object.
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Instance Variables [hide private]
int blendmode
Texture blending mode.
tuple col
Color that the texture blends with.
float colfac
Factor by which texture affects color.
boolean correctNor
Correct normal mapping for Texture space and Object space (material only).
float dispfac
Factor by which texture affects displacement (material only).
float dvar
Value that the texture blends with when not blending colors.
boolean fromDupli
Duplis instanced from verts, faces or particles, inherit texture coordinate from their parent (material only).
boolean fromOrig
Duplis derive their object coordinates from the original objects transformation (material only).
int mapping
Mapping of texture coordinates (flat, cube, etc.) (material only).
int mapto
"Map to" field of texture (material only).
int mtAlpha
How texture maps to alpha value (material only).
int mtAmb
How texture maps to ambient value (material only).
int mtBlend
Texture affects color progression of background (world only).
int mtCmir
How texture maps to mirror color (material only).
int mtCol
How texture maps to color (material and lamp only).
int mtCsp
How texture maps to specularity color (material only).
int mtDisp
How texture maps to displacement (material only).
int mtEmit
How texture maps to emit value (material only).
int mtHard
How texture maps to hardness (material only).
int mtHoriz
Texture affects color of the horizon (world only).
int mtNor
How texture maps to normals (material only).
int mtRayMir
How texture maps to RayMir value (material only).
int mtRef
How texture maps to reflectivity (material only).
int mtSpec
How texture maps to specularity (material only).
int mtTranslu
How texture maps to translucency (material only).
int mtWarp
How texture maps to warp (material only).
int mtZenDown
Texture affects color of the zenith below (world only).
int mtZenUp
Texture affects color of the zenith above (world only).
boolean neg
Negate texture values mode.
boolean noRGB
Convert texture RGB values to intensity values.
float norfac
Factor by which texture affects normal (material and world only).
Blender Object or None object
Object whose space to use when texco is Object.
tuple ofs
Offset to adjust texture space.
tuple size
Size to scale texture space.
boolean stencil
Stencil mode.
Blender Texture tex
The Texture this is linked to.
int texco
Texture coordinates ("Map input").
string uvlayer
The name of the UV Layer this texture is mapped to (when left blank uses render layer) (material only).
float varfac
Factor by which texture affects most variables (material and world only).
float warpfac
Factor by which texture affects warp (material only).
int xproj
Projection of X axis to Texture space (material only).
int yproj
Projection of Y axis to Texture space (material only).
int zproj
Projection of Z axis to Texture space (material only).
Method Details [hide private]


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Get the Ipo associated with this texture object, if any.

Returns: Ipo
the wrapped ipo or None.


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Link an ipo to this texture object.

  • ipo (Blender Ipo) - a "texture data" ipo.


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Unlink the ipo from this texture object.

True if there was an ipo linked or False otherwise.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Texture blending mode. See BlendModes


Mapping of texture coordinates (flat, cube, etc.) (material only). See Mappings.


"Map to" field of texture (material only). OR'd values of MapTo.


Texture coordinates ("Map input"). See TexCo.


Projection of X axis to Texture space (material only). See Proj


Projection of Y axis to Texture space (material only). See Proj


Projection of Z axis to Texture space (material only). See Proj