Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Camera
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Camera

The Camera Object

Camera datablock for storing camera settings.


Instance Methods [hide private]
Clear animation on this this ID. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Create animation data to this ID, note that not all ID types support this. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Create a copy of this datablock (not supported for all datablocks). (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 100] angle
Perspective Camera lend field of view in degrees.
AnimData (readonly) animation_data
Animation data for this datablock.
float in [1, inf] clip_end
Camera far clipping distance.
float in [0, inf] clip_start
Camera near clipping distance.
float in [0, 5000] dof_distance
Distance to the focus point for depth of field.
Object dof_object
Use this object to define the depth of field focal point.
float in [0.1, 10] draw_size
Apparent size of the Camera object in the 3D View.
boolean fake_user
Saves this datablock even if it has no users (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
float in [1, 250] lens
Perspective Camera lens value in mm.
enum lens_unit
Unit to edit lens in for the user interface.
Library (readonly) library
Library file the datablock is linked from. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
string name
Unique datablock ID name. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
float in [0.01, 1000] ortho_scale
Orthographic Camera scale (similar to zoom).
boolean panorama
Render the scene with a cylindrical camera for pseudo-fisheye lens effects.
float in [0, 1] passepartout_alpha
Opacity (alpha) of the darkened overlay in Camera view.
float in [-2, 2] shift_x
Perspective Camera horizontal shift.
float in [-2, 2] shift_y
Perspective Camera vertical shift.
boolean show_limits
Draw the clipping range and focus point on the camera.
boolean show_mist
Draw a line from the Camera to indicate the mist area.
boolean show_name
Show the active Camera's name in Camera view.
boolean show_passepartout
Show a darkened overlay outside the image area in Camera view.
boolean show_title_safe
Show indicators for the title safe zone in Camera view.
boolean tag
Tools can use this to tag data, (initial state is undefined). (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
enum type
Camera types.
int (readonly) in [0, 32767] users
Number of times this datablock is referenced. (Inherited from bpy.types.ID)
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Unit to edit lens in for the user interface. in...


Camera types. in...