Package bpy :: Module types :: Class ClothSettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ClothSettings

The Cloth Settings Object

Cloth simulation settings for an object.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 10] air_damping
Air has normally some thickness which slows falling things down.
float in [0, 10000] bending_stiffness
Wrinkle coefficient.
float in [0, 10000] bending_stiffness_max
Maximum bending stiffness value.
string bending_vertex_group
Vertex group for fine control over bending stiffness.
EffectorWeights (readonly) effector_weights
Effector Weights
float in [0, 1] goal_default
Default Goal (vertex target position) value, when no Vertex Group used.
float in [0, 50] goal_friction
Goal (vertex target position) friction.
float in [0, 1] goal_max
Goal maximum, vertex group weights are scaled to match this range.
float in [0, 1] goal_min
Goal minimum, vertex group weights are scaled to match this range.
float in [0, 0.999] goal_spring
Goal (vertex target position) spring stiffness.
float array of 3 items in [-100, 100] gravity
Gravity or external force vector.
float in [0, 1] internal_friction
Internal Friction
float in [0, 10] mass
Mass of cloth material.
string mass_vertex_group
Vertex Group for pinning of vertices.
boolean pin_cloth
Enable pinning of cloth vertices to other objects/positions.
float in [0, 50] pin_stiffness
Pin (vertex target position) spring stiffness.
int in [0, 200] pre_roll
Simulation starts on this frame.
int in [4, 80] quality
Quality of the simulation in steps per frame.
float in [0, 50] spring_damping
Damping of cloth velocity.
boolean stiffness_scaling
If enabled, stiffness can be scaled along a weight painted vertex group.
float in [0, 10000] structural_stiffness
Overall stiffness of structure.
float in [0, 10000] structural_stiffness_max
Maximum structural stiffness value.
string structural_stiffness_vertex_group
Vertex group for fine control over structural stiffness.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Wrinkle coefficient. (higher = less smaller but more big wrinkles)
float in [0, 10000]


Vertex group for fine control over bending stiffness. (maximum length of 0)


Vertex Group for pinning of vertices. (maximum length of 0)


Quality of the simulation in steps per frame. (higher is better quality but slower)
int in [4, 80]


Damping of cloth velocity. (higher = more smooth, less jiggling)
float in [0, 50]


Vertex group for fine control over structural stiffness. (maximum length of 0)