Package bpy :: Module types :: Class EffectorWeights
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class EffectorWeights

The Effector Weights Object

Effector weights for physics simulation.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [-200, 200] all
All effector's weight.
float in [-200, 200] boid
Boid effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] charge
Charge effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] curveguide
Curve guide effector weight.
boolean do_growing_hair
Use force fields when growing hair.
float in [-200, 200] drag
Drag effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] force
Force effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] gravity
Global gravity weight.
Group group
Limit effectors to this Group.
float in [-200, 200] harmonic
Harmonic effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] lennardjones
Lennard-Jones effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] magnetic
Magnetic effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] texture
Texture effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] turbulence
Turbulence effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] vortex
Vortex effector weight.
float in [-200, 200] wind
Wind effector weight.