Package bpy :: Module types :: Class CopyScaleConstraint
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Class CopyScaleConstraint

The Copy Scale Constraint Object

Copies the scale of the target.

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Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean active
Constraint is the one being edited (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
boolean (readonly) disabled
Constraint has invalid settings and will not be evaluated. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
boolean expanded
Constraint's panel is expanded in UI. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
float in [0, 1] influence
Amount of influence constraint will have on the final solution. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
float (readonly) in [-inf, inf] lin_error
Amount of residual error in Blender space unit for constraints that work on position. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
string name
Name (maximum length of 30) (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
enum owner_space
Space that owner is evaluated in. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
boolean proxy_local
Constraint was added in this proxy instance (i.e. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
float (readonly) in [-inf, inf] rot_error
Amount of residual error in radiant for constraints that work on orientation. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
string subtarget
Sub-Target (maximum length of 32)
Object target
Target Object
enum target_space
Space that target is evaluated in. (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
enum (readonly) type
Type in... (Inherited from bpy.types.Constraint)
boolean use_offset
Add original scale into copied scale.
boolean use_x
Copy the target's X scale.
boolean use_y
Copy the target's Y scale.
boolean use_z
Copy the target's Z scale.