Package bpy :: Module types :: Class GameSoftBodySettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class GameSoftBodySettings

The Game Soft Body Settings Object

Soft body simulation settings for an object in the game engine.


Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean bending_const
Enable bending constraints
int in [1, 128] cluster_iterations
Specify the number of cluster iterations
boolean cluster_rigid_to_softbody
Enable cluster collision between soft and rigid body
boolean cluster_soft_to_softbody
Enable cluster collision between soft and soft body
float in [0, 1] dynamic_friction
Dynamic Friction
float in [0, 1] linstiff
Linear stiffness of the soft body links
float in [0.01, 1] margin
Collision margin for soft body.
int in [0, 10] position_iterations
Position solver iterations
boolean shape_match
Enable soft body shape matching goal
float in [0, 1] threshold
Shape matching threshold
float in [0, 0.01] welding
Welding threshold: distance between nearby vertices to be considered equal => set to 0.0 to disable welding test and speed up scene loading (ok if the mesh has no duplicates)
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Collision margin for soft body. Small value makes the algorithm unstable
float in [0.01, 1]