Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Object :: Class GameObjectSettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class GameObjectSettings

The Game Object Settings Object

Game engine related settings for the object.


Instance Variables [hide private]
boolean actor
Object is detected by the Near and Radar sensor.
Collection of Actuator (readonly) actuators
Game engine actuators to act on events.
boolean anisotropic_friction
Enable anisotropic friction.
enum collision_bounds
Selects the collision type.
boolean collision_compound
Add children to form a compound collision object.
float in [0, 1] collision_margin
Extra margin around object for collision detection, small amount required for stability.
Collection of Controller (readonly) controllers
Game engine controllers to process events, connecting sensor to actuators.
float in [0, 1] damping
General movement damping.
boolean debug_state
Print state debug info in the game engine.
float in [0, 1] form_factor
Form factor scales the inertia tensor.
float array of 3 items in [0, 1] friction_coefficients
Relative friction coefficient in the in the X, Y and Z directions, when anisotropic friction is enabled.
boolean ghost
Object does not restitute collisions, like a ghost.
boolean array of 30 items initial_state
Initial state when the game starts.
boolean lock_x_axis
Disable simulation of linear motion along the X axis.
boolean lock_x_rot_axis
Disable simulation of angular motion along the X axis.
boolean lock_y_axis
Disable simulation of linear motion along the Y axis.
boolean lock_y_rot_axis
Disable simulation of angular motion along the Y axis.
boolean lock_z_axis
Disable simulation of linear motion along the Z axis.
boolean lock_z_rot_axis
Disable simulation of angular motion along the Z axis.
float in [0.01, 10000] mass
Mass of the object.
boolean material_physics
Use physics settings in materials.
float in [0, 1000] maximum_velocity
Clamp velocity to this maximum speed.
float in [0, 1000] minimum_velocity
Clamp velocity to this minimum speed (except when totally still).
boolean no_sleeping
Disable auto (de)activation in physics simulation.
enum physics_type
Selects the type of physical representation.
Collection of GameProperty (readonly) properties
Game engine properties.
float in [0.01, 10] radius
Radius of bounding sphere and material physics
boolean rotate_from_normal
Use face normal to rotate object, so that it points away from the surface
float in [0, 1] rotation_damping
General rotation damping.
Collection of Sensor (readonly) sensors
Game engine sensor to detect events.
boolean show_actuators
Shows actuators for this object in the user interface.
boolean show_controllers
Shows controllers for this object in the user interface.
boolean show_sensors
Shows sensors for this object in the user interface.
GameSoftBodySettings (readonly) soft_body
Settings for Bullet soft body simulation.
boolean array of 30 items state
State determining which controllers are displayed.
boolean use_activity_culling
Disable simulation of angular motion along the Z axis.
boolean use_collision_bounds
Specify a collision bounds type other than the default.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Selects the collision type. in...
  • BOX
  • CONE


Selects the type of physical representation. in...