Package bpy :: Module types :: Class ImagePaint
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Class ImagePaint

The Image Paint Object

Properties of image and texture painting mode.


Instance Variables [hide private]
int in [0, inf] active_brush_index
active_brush_index (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
Brush brush
Active paint brush. (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
Collection of Brush (readonly) brushes
Brushes selected for this paint mode. (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
boolean invert_stencil
Invert the stencil layer
int in [0, 90] normal_angle
Paint most on faces pointing towards the view acording to this angle.
int in [0, 32767] seam_bleed
Extend paint beyond the faces UVs to reduce seams (in pixels, slower).
boolean show_brush
Enables brush shape while not drawing.
boolean show_brush_draw
Enables brush shape while drawing.
enum tool
Tool in...
boolean use_backface_cull
Ignore faces pointing away from the view (faster)
boolean use_clone_layer
Use another UV layer as clone source, otherwise use 3D the cursor as the source
boolean use_normal_falloff
Paint most on faces pointing towards the view
boolean use_occlude
Only paint onto the faces directly under the brush (slower)
boolean use_projection
Use projection painting for improved consistency in the brush strokes.
boolean use_stencil_layer
Set the mask layer from the UV layer buttons
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Tool in...
  • DRAW