Package bpy :: Module types :: Class NetRenderSettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class NetRenderSettings

The NetRenderSettings Object


Instance Variables [hide private]
int in [-1, 65535] active_blacklisted_slave_index
Index of the active slave
int in [-1, 65535] active_job_index
Index of the active job
int in [-1, 65535] active_slave_index
Index of the active slave
int in [1, 65535] chunks
Number of frame to dispatch to each slave in one chunk
string job_id
id of the last sent render job (maximum length of 64)
string job_name
Name of the job (maximum length of 128)
Collection of NetRenderJob (readonly) jobs
Job List
enum mode
Mode of operation of this instance in...
string path
Path for temporary files (maximum length of 128)
int in [1, 10] priority
Priority of the job
string server_address
IP or name of the master render server (maximum length of 128)
boolean server_broadcast
broadcast server address on local network
int in [1, 65535] server_port
port of the master render server
Collection of NetRenderSlave (readonly) slaves
Collection of NetRenderSlave (readonly) slaves_blacklist
Slaves Blacklist
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Mode of operation of this instance in...