Package bpy :: Module types :: Class Sculpt
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Sculpt

The Sculpt Object


Instance Variables [hide private]
int in [0, inf] active_brush_index
active_brush_index (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
Brush brush
Active paint brush. (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
Collection of Brush (readonly) brushes
Brushes selected for this paint mode. (Inherited from bpy.types.Paint)
boolean lock_x
Disallow changes to the X axis of vertices.
boolean lock_y
Disallow changes to the Y axis of vertices.
boolean lock_z
Disallow changes to the Z axis of vertices.
boolean partial_redraw
Optimize sculpting by only refreshing modified faces.
boolean show_brush
Show Brush
boolean symmetry_x
Mirror brush across the X axis.
boolean symmetry_y
Mirror brush across the Y axis.
boolean symmetry_z
Mirror brush across the Z axis.