
The Console Window, also called a Terminal, is an operating system text window that displays messages about Blender’s operations, status, and internal errors.

Casos de uso:

  • For automation and batch processing which require launching Blender with different arguments.
  • For Python development, to see the output of the print() command.
  • Si Blender se cierra inesperadamente, los mensajes podrían indicar la causa del error.
  • Cuando esté buscando la solución a algún problema, para ver la salida de los mensajes de --debug.

Platform Dependent Instructions


The Blender Console Window in Linux will typically only be visible on the desktop if Blender is manually started from a terminal. Blender outputs to the Console Window it is started from.

Depending on your desktop environment setup, a Blender icon may appear on your desktop or an entry for Blender is added to your menu after you install Blender. Often you can edit such an icon and enable «Run in terminal».


Configuring the KDE menu icon to start Blender from a terminal.

This screenshot shows Blender started from a Linux Terminal and the resulting text output written to it:


Starting Blender from a Linux terminal window.

Apple macOS

macOS uses «files» with the .app extension called applications. These files are actually folders that appear as files in Finder. In order to run Blender you will have to specify that path to the Blender executable inside this folder, to get all output printed to the terminal. You can start a terminal from Applications ‣ Utilities. The path to the executable in the .app folder is ./

Si tiene a Blender instalado en la carpeta de Aplicaciones, puede utilizar el siguiente comando:


Starting Blender from a macOS console window.

Microsoft Windows

When Blender is started on a Microsoft Windows operating system, the Console Window (called the Command Prompt) is first created as a separate window on the desktop. The main Blender window will also appear and the Console Window will then be toggled off. To display the console again, go to Window ‣ Toggle System Console.

To start Blender from the command line you need to open an instance of Command Prompt. To do this, type WinKey-R then type cmd; this will open the Command Prompt window. You then need to find the path to the Blender executable. If you installed Blender via the installer then it can be found here:

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe

Blender’s Console Window on Microsoft Windows.

The screenshot shows the Blender Console Window on Microsoft Windows directly after starting Blender and then a short while later after opening a file along with the relevant messages.


Cerrando la ventana de la consola de Blender

Cerrar la Consola también cerrará Blender, perdiendo cualquier trabajo sin guardar.

Para deshabilitar la consola sin cerrar Blender, simplemente presione otra vez en Toggle System Console (Alternar Consola del Sistema) desde el menú (como se mencionó anteriormente).

Estado de la Consola y Mensajes de Errores

The Blender Console Window can display many different types of status and error messages. Some messages simply inform the user what Blender is doing, but have no real impact on Blender’s ability to function. Other messages can indicate serious errors that will most likely prevent Blender carrying out a particular task and may even make Blender non-responsive or shut down completely. The Blender Console Window messages can also originate internally from within the Blender code or from external sources such as Python scripts.

Mensajes comunes

  • found bundled python: (FOLDER)

    Este mensaje indica que Blender pudo encontrar la librería de Python para el intérprete de Python embebido dentro de Blender. Si esta carpeta falta o no se puede encontrar, es probable que ocurra un error, y este mensaje no aparecerá.

  • malloc returns nil()

    Cuando Blender lleva a cabo operaciones que requieren memoria extra (RAM), llama a una función llamada malloc (forma corta para “memory allocate” (asignación de memoria)), el cual intenta asignar una cantidad requerida de memoria para Blender. Si esto no se puede satisfacer, malloc devolverá /nil/null/0 para indicar que falló llevando a cabo el pedido. Si esto sucede, Blender no podrá llevar a cabo la operación solicitada por el usuario. Esto probablemente resultará en Blender operando muy lentamente o cerrándose. Si quiere evitar quedarse sin memoria puede instalar más memoria en su sistema, reducir la cantidad de detalle en sus modelos de Blender, o cerrar otros programas y servicios que podrían estar usando memoria que Blender podría utilizar.