Reflection Planes

These special types of Probe object are suited to smooth planar surfaces. They basically capture the whole scene with a flipped camera.

L’utilisation de Reflection Planes est réellement lourde sur le temps de rendu car la scène doit être rendue autant de fois qu’il existe de Reflection Planes dans la vue.

Unless Screen Space Reflection is enabled, Reflection Planes only work on specular surfaces that have their roughness around 0.

If Screen Space Reflection is enabled, Reflection Planes will serve as support buffers. This accelerates the tracing process and completes the missing data from the view space. This also make reflection more correct for the affected surface that have medium roughness and disturbed normals (i.e. normal maps).


Subsurface Scattering, Screen Space Reflections et Volumetrics ne sont pas pris en charge dans la réflexion du Reflection Plane.


If Backface Culling is not enabled, snapping the Reflection Plane to the planar surface will effectively capture the underside of the surface.

You can manually move the Reflection Plane above the surface enough for it to not appear in the capture. Alternatively you can put a floor object inside a collection and use this collection as a Visibility Collection (inverted) inside the Reflection Plane’s probe settings.


Panneau:Object Data ‣ Probe

A probe object only influences the lighting of nearby surfaces. This influence zone is defined by the Distance parameter and object scaling. The influence distance varies is a bit, depending on the probe type.

Pour les Reflection Planes la distance d’influence est la distance depuis le plan. Seules les surfaces dont les normales sont alignées avec le Reflection Plane recevront la réflexion capturée.

Percentage of the influence distance during which the influence of a probe fades linearly. Also defines how much shading normals needs to be aligned with the plane to receive reflections.
Clipping Offset
Define how much below the plane the near clip is when capturing the scene. Increasing this can fix reflection contact problems.
Visibility Collection

In some cases, it is useful to limit which objects appear in the light probe’s captured lighting. For instance, an object that is too close to a capture point might be better excluded. This is what the visibility collection does. Only objects that are in this collection will be visible when this probe will capture the scene.

Il existe également une option pour inverser ce comportement et cacher effectivement les objets dans cette collection.


This is only a filtering option. That means that if an object is not visible at render time it won’t be visible during the probe render.

Viewport Display


Panneau:Object Data ‣ Viewport Display
Arrow Size
Taille de la flèche montrant la normale du plan de réflexion.
Show Preview Plane
Show the captured reflected image onto a fully reflective plane in the 3D View.