
il y a deux types de duplication d’objet, à savoir Duplicate`_et `Linked Duplicates qui instancient leurs données d’objet.



Mode:Modes Objet et Édition
Menu:Object ‣ Duplicate Objects

This will create a visually-identical copy of the selected object(s). The copy is created at the same position as the original object and you are automatically placed in move mode. See the examples below.

This copy is a new object, which shares some data-blocks with the original object (by default, all the materials, textures, and F-curves), but which has copied others, like the mesh, for example. This is why this form of duplication is sometimes called « shallow link », because not all data-blocks are shared; some of them are « hard copied »!


You can choose which types of data-block will be linked or copied when duplicating: in the Preferences.



L’objet Cube a été dupliqué.

The object Cube was duplicated, using Shift-D. Both these cubes have separate meshes with unique names: Cube and Cube.001.

  • Le cube gauche d’origine est en cours d’édition, le cube droit dupliqué reste inchangé. Les données de maillage ont été copiées, pas liées.
  • De même, si un cube est édité en Mode Objet, l’autre cube demeure inchangé, Les propriétés de transformation du nouvel objet ou du bloc de données est une copie, et ne sont pas liées.
  • Quand un cube a été dupliqué, il hérite du matériau du cube d’origine. Les propriétés de matériau sont liées, pas copiées.

Voir ci-dessus si vous voulez des copies distinctes des blocs de données normalement liées.

Linked Duplicates


Mode:Mode Objet
Panneau:Toolbar ‣ Tools ‣ Edit ‣ Duplicate Linked
Menu:Object ‣ Duplicate Linked
Raccourci:Raccourci : Alt-D

You also have the choice of creating a Linked Duplicate rather than a Duplicate; this is called a deep link. This will create a new object with all of its data linked to the original object. If you modify one of the linked objects in Edit Mode, all linked copies are modified. Transform properties (object data-blocks) still remain copies, not links, so you still can rotate, scale, and move freely without affecting the other copies. Reference the Duplicate Example for the discussions below.

In the Duplicate Objects Adjust Last Operation panel the Linked checkbox is checked unlike with Duplicate.


If you want to make changes to an object in the new linked duplicate independently of the original object, you will have to manually make the object a « single-user » copy by LMB the number in the Object Data panel of the Properties editor. (See Menu data-block.)

Voir aussi

Make Single User for unlinking data-blocks.

Make Single User


Mode:Mode Objet
Menu:Object ‣ Make Single User

Makes the selected or all object data-blocks single users, that is, not shared (linked) between other objects in the blend-file.

Additionally, it can also make single-user copies of its dependencies, like meshes, curves, materials, animations…


These actions work on the selected objects, or on all the objects of the scene.

All, Selected Objects


Lets you, in addition to the menu predefined selection, choose the type of data-blocks individually.

Object, Object Data, Materials, Textures, Object Animation

Voir aussi

Making Single User