Le modificateur Lattice

The Lattice modifier deforms the base object according to the shape of a Lattice object. Objects to be deformed can be meshes, curves, surfaces, text, lattices and even particles.


A Lattice modifier can quickly be added to selected objects by parenting them using the Lattice Deform option.



The Lattice modifier.

The Lattice object with which to deform the base object.
Vertex Group
un nom de groupe de sommets optionnel qui vous permet de limiter l’effet du modificateur à une portion du maillage de base.
Un facteur pour contrôler le mélange entre les positions de sommets d’origine et celles après déformation.


Why would you use a lattice to deform a mesh instead of deforming the mesh itself in Edit Mode? There are a couple of reasons for that:

  • If your object has a large number of vertices, it would be difficult to edit portions of it quickly in Edit Mode. Using a lattice will allow you to deform large portions efficiently.
  • The smooth deformation you get from a Lattice modifier can be hard to achieve manually.
  • Plusieurs objets peuvent utiliser la même treillis, vous permettant ainsi d’éditer plusieurs objets à la fois.
  • Like all modifiers, it is non-destructive. Meaning all changes happen on top of the original geometry, which you can still go back to and edit without affecting the deformation.
  • Un treillis n’affecte pas les coordonnées de texture de la surface d’un maillage.


When using a lattice to deform particles, order in the modifier stack matters. You need to place the Lattice modifier after the Particle System one.