Node Point Density¶
Node Point Density.¶
Le Node Point Density est utilisé pour ajouter des points volumétriques pour chaque particule ou sommet d’un autre objet.
- Vector
Texture coordinate to sample texture at; defaults to global position (Position output of Geometry node) if the socket is left unconnected.
- Point Data
Where to get points from.
- Particle System
Utiliser chaque position de particule du système de particules spécifié.
- Object Vertices
Utiliser chaque position de sommet de l’objet spécifié.
- Object
Quels sommets d’objet ou quel système de particules sera(seront) utilisé(s).
- Particle System
Les positions de ce système seront utilisées.
- Space
The coordinate system for mapping points.
- World Space
Map each point exactly where the source particle/vertex is.
- Object Space
Fit the points from the source particles/vertices inside the bounding box of the object with the point density texture.
- Radius
Size of the points.
- Interpolation
Texel filtering type.
- Closest
No interpolation, use nearest texel. Produces blocky looking points.
- Linear
Interpolate linearly between texels, producing soft, round points.
- Cubic
Use cubic falloff, producing very soft points. Useful when points are very densely packed.
- Resolution
Les dimensions de la texture contenant les données de points.
- Color Source
Which attribute of the particle system or mesh is used to color the output.
- Particle Color Sources
- Particle Age
Lifetime mapped as (0.0 - 1.0) intensity.
- Particle Speed
Particle speed (absolute magnitude of velocity) mapped as (0.0 - 1.0) intensity.
- Particle Velocity
XYZ velocity mapped to RGB colors.
- Vertex Color Sources
- Vertex Color
Use a vertex color layer for coloring the point density texture.
Vertex colors are defined per face corner. A single vertex can have as many different colors as faces it is part of. The actual color of the point density texture is averaged from all vertex corners.
- Vertex Weight
Utiliser les poids d’un groupe de sommets comme valeurs d’intensité.
- Vertex Normals
Use object-space vertex normals as RGB values.
- Color
Sortie de couleur de texture.
- Density
Densité de volume.