Afficher & Masquer
- Mode
Sculpt Mode
- Menu
Portions of the mesh can be hidden in Sculpt Mode to improve the viewport performance and to access parts of the mesh that would otherwise be difficult to access, because they are occluded by other parts. The hidden faces cannot be sculpted on. Hiding is shared between Edit Mode and Sculpt Mode (i.e. hiding/unhiding in one mode affects the other mode too).
- Show All Alt-H
Reveal all hidden parts.
- Show Bounding Box Shift-H
To reveal a hidden part of a mesh inside the selection.
- Hide Bounding Box H
To hide a part of a mesh inside the selection. This works similar to the Box Select tool.
- Hide Masked
Cache tous les sommets masqués.
Set Pivot
- Mode
Sculpt Mode
- Menu
Like Object and Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode also has a Pivot Point. This is because the basic move, scale, rotate transforms are also possible in Sculpt Mode.
- Origin
Définit le pivot sur l’origine de la sculpture.
- Unmasked
Définit la position du pivot sur la position moyenne des sommets non masqués.
- Mask Border
Sets the pivot position to the center of the mask’s border.
- Active Vertex
Définit la position de pivot sur la position du sommet actif.
- Surface
Définit la position du pivot sur la surface sous le curseur.
Voir aussi
Rebuild BVH
- Mode
Sculpt Mode
- Menu
Recalculates the BVH used by Dyntopo which can improve performance which might degrade over time while using Dyntopo.
Transfer Sculpt Mode
- Mode
Sculpt Mode
- Menu
- Raccourci
Bascule Sculpt Mode de l’objet Active à l’objet sous la souris. Voir Changer d’objets pour plus d’informations.