All nodes in Blender are based on a similar construction. This applies to any type of node. These parts include the Title, Sockets, Preview and more.

タイトルはノードの名前/タイプを示し、 Label(ラベル) を変更することでオーバーライドできます。タイトルの左側には、ノードを折りたたむために使用できる 折りたたみ トグルがあります。これは、 H を使用して実行することもできます。


Sockets are input and output values for the node. They appear as little colored circles on either side of the node. Unused sockets can be hidden with Ctrl-H.
- Float (グレー)
Indicates that the socket accepts/produces floating-point numbers. It can either be a single value or a so-called "value map". (You can think of a value map as a grayscale image where the brightness of a pixel represents its value.) If a single value is used as an input for a "value map" socket, all points of the map are set to this same value.
- Integer (ライムグリーン)
- Boolean (pink)
- String (水色)
- Vector(ベクトル) (濃紺)
- Color(カラー) (黄)
Indicates that the socket accepts/produces color information. The colors may or may not have an alpha component depending on the node tree type.
- Shader(シェーダー) (緑)
- Geometry(ジオメトリ) (ターコイズ)
Geometry Nodes(ジオメトリノード) で使用されます。
- Object(オブジェクト) (オレンジ)
- Collection(コレクション) (白)
- Image(画像) (アプリコット)
The inputs are located on the bottom left side of the node, and provide the data the node needs to perform its function. Each input socket, except for the green shader input, when disconnected, has a default value which can be edited via a color, numeric, or vector interface input. In the screenshot of the node above, the second color option is set by a color interface input.
Some nodes have special sockets that can accept multiple inputs. These sockets will have an ellipsis shape rather than a circle to indicate their special behavior.
Some socket types can be converted to others either implicitly or explicitly. Implicit conversion happens automatically without the need of a conversion node. For example, Float sockets and Color sockets can be linked to each other.
Once a socket conversion is made, data may be lost and cannot be retrieved later down the node tree. Implicit socket conversion can sometimes change the data units as well. When plugging a Value input node into an angle socket, it'll default to use radians regardless of the scene's Units(単位). This happens because the Value node has no unit while the angle input does.
Between color and vector -- mapping between color channels and vector components.
Between color and float -- the color data is converted to its grayscale equivalent.
カラー/float/ベクトルからシェーダへの変換 -- 暗黙的に色に変換され、Emission(放射) ノードを使用した結果が得られます。
Explicit conversion requires the use of a conversion node such as the Shader To RGB (シェーダーからRGBへ) node or the RGB to BW(RGBからBWへ)ノード node. The Math(数式)ノード node also contains some functions to convert between degrees and radians.

Some nodes can show an image that previews their result. The preview can be toggled using the icon on the very top right-hand corner of the node, next to the title.

How a node appears without the preview.