
See the Overlay & Appearance options.



Paint options.

As opções de pintura de pesos modificam o comportamento do pincel como um todo:

This option limits the influence of painting to vertices (even with weight 0) belonging to the selected vertex group.
X Mirror
Use the X Mirror option for mirrored painting on groups that have symmetrical names, like with extension «.R»/ «.L» or «_R» / «_L». If a group has no mirrored counterpart, it will paint symmetrically on the active group itself. You can read more about the naming convention in Editing Armatures: Naming conventions. The convention for armatures/bones apply here as well.
Espelhar topologia
Use topology-based mirroring, for when both sides of a mesh have matching mirrored topology. See here for more information.
Mostrar pesos zero

Para mostrar as áreas sem referências ou com pesos de influência zero na cor preta (por padrão). Isto ajuda a identificar as áreas com pesos de influência muito baixos nas quais já houve alguma pintura.

Somente o grupo ativo.
Todos os grupos.
Configurações unificadas
The Size, Strength and Weight of the brush can be set to be shared across different brushes, as opposed to per brush.