
Much like the 3D Viewport, the UV Editor has selection mode buttons in the header, as well as a Select menu.

Sincronizando com a seleção

If turned off (the default), the UV Editor only shows the faces that are selected in the 3D Viewport. Selecting an item in one editor does not automatically select it in the other. If one 3D vertex/edge corresponds to multiple UV vertices/edges, you can select each of those individually.

If turned on, the UV Editor always shows all faces. Selecting an item in one editor also selects it in the other. If one 3D vertex/edge corresponds to multiple UV vertices/edges, you can’t select those individually (you can only select all of them).

Selection Mode


1 Select vertices.


2 Select edges.


3 Select faces.


4 Select contiguous groups of faces. Only available if Sync Selection is disabled.

If Sync Selection is enabled, you can hold Shift while clicking a selection mode to activate multiple ones at the same time, or Ctrl to expand/contract the selection.

Veja também

Mesh Selection

Modo de seleção adesivo

Options for automatically selecting additional UV vertices. Only available if Sync Selection is disabled.


Each UV vertex can be selected independently of the others.

Localização compartilhada

Automatically select UV vertices that correspond to the same mesh vertex and have the same UV coordinates. This is the default and gives the illusion that multiple faces in a UV map can share the same vertex; in reality, they have separate vertices that overlap.

Vértices compartilhados

Automatically select UV vertices that correspond to the same mesh vertex, even if they have different UV coordinates. This is also the behavior when Sync Selection is enabled.

Select Menu

All A

Selects all UV elements.

None Alt-A

Deselects all UV elements.

Invert Ctrl-I

Inverte a seleção atual.

Box Select B

See Box Select.

Box Select Pinned Ctrl-B

Like Box Select, but only selects pinned UV vertices.

Selecionar por círculo

See Circle Select.

More/Less Ctrl-NumpadPlus, Ctrl-NumpadMinus

Expands/contracts the selection to/from the adjacent elements.

Select Pinned Shift-P

Selects all pinned UVs.

Select Linked
Linked Ctrl-L

Selects all elements that are connected to the currently selected ones.

Shortest Path

Selects the path between two selected elements. (See below)

Select Similar Shift-G

Selects UV elements that are similar to the active one in some way. The Adjust Last Operation panel provides several options:


The property to compare. Which properties are available depends on the Selection Mode.

Vertex Selection Mode

Selects vertices with the same pinned state.

Edge Selection Mode

Selects edges with a similar length in the UV map.

Length 3D:

Selects edges with a similar length in the 3D mesh.


Selects edges with the same pinned state.

Face Selection Mode

Selects faces with a similar area in the UV map.

Area 3D:

Selects faces with a similar area in the 3D mesh.


Selects faces that have the same Material.


Selects faces that belong to the same object. This is useful when multiple objects are in Edit mode at once.

Polygon Sides:

Selects faces with a similar number of edges.


Select faces that have the same orientation (facing upwards or downwards in the UV map).

Island Selection Mode

Selects islands with a similar area in the UV map.

Area 3D:

Selects islands with a similar area in the 3D mesh.

Amount of Faces in Island:

Selects islands with a similar number of faces.


The comparison operator.


Select elements whose value is equal.


Select elements whose value is greater or equal.


Select elements whose value is less or equal.


Tolerance for values that are almost, but not quite the same. A higher threshold will select more elements.

Select Split Y

«Detaches» the selected faces so they can be moved elsewhere without affecting their neighbors.


Unlike Split Selection for meshes, which physically disconnects faces, this is a pure selection operator. In UV space, the faces were never connected to begin with; it only seemed that way because Sticky Selection automatically selected the vertices of the neighboring faces. Select Split deselects those vertices again.

As an alternative to Select Split, you can set the Sticky Selection Mode to Disabled.

Select Overlap

Selects all UV faces that overlap each other.

Shortest Path



Edit Mode


Select ‣ Select Linked ‣ Shortest Path



Selects all the UV elements along the shortest path between two elements: the two selected elements when activated using the menu, or the active one and the clicked one when activated using the shortcut.

Face Stepping

For vertices: allows the path to step across faces, following their diagonal rather than their edges.

For edges: selects disconnected edges that are perpendicular to the path (edge ring), rather than connected edges along the path (edge loop).

For faces: allows the path to go through faces that only share a vertex, rather than an edge.

Topology Distance

Calculates the distance by simply counting edges rather than measuring their lengths.

Fill Region Shift-Ctrl-LMB

Selects all shortest paths (rather than just one).

Dashed Line Options

Allows to only select elements at regular intervals, creating a «dashed line» rather than a continuous one.


The number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence.


The number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence.


The number of elements to offset the sequence by.

Veja também

Mesh edit Select Shortest Path.

Select Edge Loop



Edit Mode


Alt-LMB, or Shift-Alt-LMB for extending the existing selection.

Holding Alt while clicking an edge selects that edge and then expands the selection as far as possible in the two directions parallel to it. (While this of course works for selecting edge «loops» that go all the way around a mesh, it also works if there’s no loop.)

You can additionally hold Shift to extend the current selection rather than replacing it.

Veja também

Mesh edit Select Edge Loops.

Select Edge Ring



Edit Mode


Ctrl-Alt-LMB, or Shift-Ctrl-Alt-LMB for extending the existing selection.

Holding Ctrl-Alt while clicking an edge selects that edge and then expands the selection as far as possible in the two directions perpendicular to it. (While this of course works for selecting edge «rings» that go all the way around a mesh, it also works if there’s no ring.)

You can additionally hold Shift to extend the current selection rather than replacing it.

Veja também

Mesh edit Select Edge Rings.