Згладження – Smooth

Орієнтир – Reference

Режим – Mode

Режим Ліплення – Sculpt Mode

Засіб – Tool

«Смуга засобів > Згладження» – Toolbar ‣ Smooth

Скорочення – Hotkey


Усуває нерівності на ділянці сіті у межах впливу пензля шляхом згладжування позицій вершин.


Deformation type that is used in the brush.


Smooths the surface and the volume.


Smooths the surface of the mesh, while preserving the volume.

Shape Preservation

How much of the original shape is preserved when smoothing. Increasing the value reduces the effect of having multiple iterations on the strength of smoothing.

Per-Vertex Displacement

How much the position of each individual vertex influences the final result. Increasing the value reduces the overall strength of smoothing.


Number of smoothing iterations per brush step.


This method works by applying regular smoothing, computing the difference between the original (blended between start of iteration and fully original based on Shape Preservation) and the smoothed mesh, smoothing these offsets, pushing vertices back using the smoothed offsets, and finally blending in the original mesh based on Per-Vertex Displacement.