3D Navigation

This custom menu is in part a virtual numpad emulator and a user perspective navigation tool.

Activation – Активація

  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть в Preferences – «Уподобання», потім у вкладку Add-ons – «Додатки».

  • Click 3D View then 3D Navigation to enable the script.

Interface – Інтерфейс

Located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Sidebar ‣ View. This add-on is split over two panels.

3D Navigation


This panel provides some common navigation tools and emulates the numpad shortcuts.

View Global/Local

Switch Global/Local view.

View Perspective/Orthographic

Switch perspective/orthographic view mode.

View Camera

View from active camera.

Align View from

Align view to front/back.


Align view to left/right.

Top/Bottom – Зверху/Знизу

Align view to top/bottom.

Lock View to Object

Select an object to align view, from the list.

View to Select

Align view on selected object.

Cursor – Курсор
World Origin

Snap cursor to center (scene 0,0,0).

View – Огляд

Align view to center (scene 0,0,0).

Cursor to Selected – Курсор до Вибраного

Snap cursor to object center (selected).

Pan Orbit Zoom Roll


This panel provides incremental «User Screen View Perspective» navigation in the Sidebar.

Up – Уверх

Move towards the top of your screen.


Move towards the bottom of your screen.

Left – Вліво

Move to the users left or left of screen as you view it.

Right – Управо

Move to the users right or right of screen as you view it.

Zoom In/Out – Зум До/Від

Zoom the view in/out.

Roll Left/Right

Roll the view left/right.

Reference – Довідка

Category – Категорія

3D View – 3D Огляд

Description – Опис

Navigate the 3D Viewport and camera from the Sidebar.

Location – Локація

3D Viewport ‣ Sidebar ‣ View tab

File – Файл


Author – Автор

Demohero, uriel, meta-androcto

Maintainer – Підтримувач

Brendon Murphy (meta-androcto)

License – Ліцензія


Support Level – Рівень Підтримки


Note – Примітка

Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.