Copy Render Settings

This is a simple tool that adds in the Render properties a new panel with a big Copy Render Settings button, and some options to control what to copy, and to which scenes…

I wrote it as I often have tens of scenes all edited/gathered in a single «main» scene sequence. When I want to make preview renders of that main scene, I had to manually set all other scenes“ preview scale – long and boring. And even worse, I often forgot to put them back to full resolution before final rendering!

So, with this add-on, I just have to set the preview scale in the main scene, enable or disable Anti-Aliasing, and hit Copy Render Settings!

Activation – Активація

  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть в Preferences – «Уподобання», потім у вкладку Add-ons – «Додатки».

  • Click Render then Copy Render Settings to enable the script.

Description – Опис

Render Settings – Устави Рендера

This lists all render settings. The checkbox to the right controls whether that setting will be copied or not. So if you want to copy a specific setting, hover your mouse over its control, note its Python name (e.g. resolution_x for the X resolution, etc.), and enable the corresponding item in this list.


This will only work if you have a Blender patched with ui_template_list diff, see UI Template List Enhancement.

Presets – Передустави

The column of buttons to the right of the list are a set of presets which set or clear one or more settings at once. This will work even without the UI template list patch.

Set Scale/Clear Scale

Copy the render scale setting (below resolution controls, in Dimensions panel). Highly useful to do preview renders!

Set Resolution/Clear Resolution

Copy the render resolution and aspect ratio settings. Beware of side effects if you modify the aspect of your render (e.g. switching from: 4/3 to 16/9…).

Set OSA/Clear OSA

Copy the global OSA usage, and OSA level settings. Together with Render Scale, this is most useful for preview renders.

Set Threads/Clear Threads

Copy the settings (auto/fixed, and number) of threads used during rendering. Might be useful when e.g. you render your blend-files on various computers (even though the Auto option should work good in general…).

Set Fields/Clear Fields

Copy all fields settings. Allows you to easily switch from progressive to interlaced…

Set Stamp/Clear Stamp

Copy whether to render stamps or not (i.e. the global stamp switch setting).

Affected Scenes:
Filter Scene

You can type in this text field a regex (using Python syntax), and only scene which name matches this regex will be available. Quite useful when you have tens of scenes in a file…

E.g. if you only want to copy some of your current render settings to scenes having «rabbit» in their name, type .*rabbit.* in this field.

Columns of buttons

These toggle buttons represent all scenes of the blend-file (optionally filtered through the Filter Scene regex), except the current one. Only enabled scenes will receive the copied settings!

Reference – Довідка

Category – Категорія

Render – Рендер

Description – Опис

Allows to copy a selection of render settings from current scene to others.

Location – Локація

Properties ‣ Render tab

File – Файл

render_copy_settings folder

Author – Автор

Bastien Montagne

License – Ліцензія


Note – Примітка

Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.