Refine Tracking Solution

When solving for camera motion, narrowing down the solve error by hand can be a really frustrating task. Setting the track weight according to the reprojection error solve this issue for camera motion tracking. This add-on automatically sets the weight of all tracks according to the error in a single click.

Basically this allow you to choose the wanted solution error and get it within a single click, even with poor tracks (stemming from for example the automatic detected feature).

It is perfectly suited for automatically tracked movies, with many tracks (motion flow like solving). Even a bad track may have a good influence with the correct weight.

Activation – Активація

  • Відкрийте Blender та перейдіть в Preferences – «Уподобання», потім у вкладку Add-ons – «Додатки».

  • Click Video Tools then Refine tracking solution to enable the script.

Usage – Використання

  1. Start to solve your motion as usually.

  2. Choose your target solution error, e.g: 0.3.

  3. Refine your camera motion path solution.

Reference – Довідка

Category – Категорія

Video Tools

Description – Опис

Refine motion solution by setting track weight according to reprojection error.

Location – Локація

Clip Editor ‣ Tools ‣ Solve ‣ Refine Solution

File – Файл

Author – Автор

Stephen Leger

Note – Примітка

Цей додаток поставляється у комплекті з Blender’ом.