Nhiễu Perlin 2D (Perlin Noise 2D)

The Perlin Noise 2D modifier adds one-dimensional Perlin noise to the stroke. The modifier generates noisy displacements using 2D coordinates of stroke vertices as the input of the noise generator.

Tần Số (Frequency)

How dense the noise is (kind of a scale factor along the stroke).

Biên Độ (Amplitude)

Lượng nhiễu biến dạng nét vẽ trong "Góc Độ".

Seed (Mầm)

The seed of the random generator (the same seed over a stroke will always give the same result).

Quãng Tám (Octaves)

The "level of detail" of the noise.

Góc Độ (Angle)

In which direction the noise is applied (0.0 is fully horizontal).