Viên Tròn (Blob)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Sculpt Mode)

Công Cụ (Tool):

Thanh Công Cụ (Toolbar) ‣ Viên Tròn (Blob)

Similar to Draw, but vertices are pushed outwards like an inverted pinching effect. This will lead to a more consistent spherical curvature and thickening of strokes.

Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút (Brush Settings)

Chung Chung (General)

Phóng To (Magnify)

By default at 0.5 to push out the mesh during the stoke. More info at Pinch/Magnify

Ghi chú

More info at Chung Chung (General) brush settings and on Cao Cấp (Advanced) brush settings.