Đơn Giản Hóa (Simplify)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Sculpt Mode)

Công Cụ (Tool):

Thanh Công Cụ (Toolbar) ‣ Đơn Giản Hóa (Simplify)

The Simplify brush is specifically meant for use with Cấu Trúc Động (Dyntopo) to remove/add detail in the mesh.

Even when the Refine Method is set to Subdivide Edges, this brush is always able to collapse edges. This ensures that while focusing on adding detail to your sculpt, the Simplify brush can always be used to simplify and polish surfaces.

This brush has no effect if Dyntopo is disabled.


In combination with auto-smooth the brush can polish surfaces while it remeshes them. On tube-like geometry it can also shrink and dissolve volumes completely.

Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút (Brush Settings)

Chung Chung (General)

Ghi chú

More info at Chung Chung (General) brush settings and on Cao Cấp (Advanced) brush settings.