力场提供了一种影响模拟的方式,比如添加额外动作。 粒子, 软体, 刚体, 和 布料物体 都可能受到 力场 的影响。力场自动影响所有内容 要从其影响中删除模拟或粒子系统,只需在场权重面板中减小该类型的力场的影响。
- 所有类型的物体和粒子都可以生成力场,但只有曲线物体可以承受 曲线指令 力场。
- 力场也可以从粒子生成。 请参阅 粒子物理。
- 对象需要共享至少一个公共层才能生效。
您可以将粒子的影响限制在一组对象上(请参阅 Particle Physics 页面).
模式: | 物体模式 |
面板: |
并选择所需的力场。此方法创建一个空的,附加的力场。![]() Vortex force field. |
![]() 风力场 |
![]() Force force field. |
要从现有对象创建一个字段,您必须选择该对象并切换到 物理 选项卡。在 力场 菜单中选择字段类型。
After changing the fields Fields panel or deflection Collision panel settings, you have to recalculate the particle, soft body or cloth system by Free Cache, this is not done automatically.
粒子对各种 力场 ,软体只对 球面 , 风 , 涡流 (他们在 谐振场 反应,但不是有用的方式)反应。
- 外形
Sets the direction which is used to calculate the effector force. For force fields from an empty object only Point and Plane shapes are available, as for a field from a 3D object there are additional Surface and Every Point options, and Curve for a field from a curve.
- 点
- 指向全方位影响。使用物体原心作为作用点。
- 平面
- Influence only in the local Z direction.
- 面
- The force field acts on a 3D object's surface. In this case, the Z axis is the surface normal.
- 每个点
- Uses every vertex in the mesh object as an effector point.
- Curve
- The force field acts along a curve object.
- 强度/力度
- 实力的场效应。这可以是正的或负的,以改变力的作用方向。力场的强度用力对象的尺度缩放,允许您放大和缩小场景,保持相同的效果。
- 流
- If non-zero, the effective force depends on the particle velocity. The value defines how quickly the effector force (acceleration) will be converted into the constant "air flow" velocity.
- Noise Amount
- 增加噪音强度的力量。
- 随机种
- 改变随机噪声的种子。
- Affect Location
- Influence the location of particles.
- Affect Rotation
- Influence the rotation of particles.
- Absorption
- 力被碰撞物体吸收。
- 外形
- 球形
- 衰减在全方位统一,就像一个球体一样。
- 管形
- 脱落导致管状力场。场的径向衰减可以调整,以及场的 最小 和 最大 距离。
- 锥形
- 掉落会导致锥形的力场。附加选项与 管形 选项相同。
- Z向
- 下降可以设置为仅在正Z轴,负Z轴或两者的方向上应用。
- Power
- How the power of the force field changes with the distance from the force field. If r is the distance from the origin of the object, the force changes with 1/rpower. A falloff of 2 changes the force field with 1/r2, which is the falloff of gravitational pull.
- 最大值
- 使力场仅在指定的最大半径内生效(由对象周围的附加圆圈显示)。
- 最小值
- The distance from the object's origin, up to where the force field is effective with full strength. If you have a falloff of 0 this parameter will have no effect, because the field is effective with full strength up to Max Distance (or the infinity). Shown by an additional circle around the object.