
As well as images and movies the VSE can also edit audio tracks. You can add Waveform Audio format WAV, mp3 and other audio formats files from your drive, or from sound encoded within a movie, and mix them using an F-curve as a volume control.




A sound strip is just like any other strip in the VSE. You can select and move it, adjust its starting offset using LMB over the arrow end handles, and K cut it into pieces. A useful example is cutting out the "um's" and dead voice time.



See also

在时间轴的 回放弹出 菜单中,你可以找到一些关于音频播放行为的选项。


要创建动画声音片段,只需按下 I 来覆盖任何值。动画化声音片段的示例是淡入/淡出背景音乐或调整音量级别。分层/交叉声音片段添加在一起;较低的通道不会覆盖和切出较高的通道(不像图像和视频片段)。这使得Blender成为一个音频混音器。通过添加音轨并使用曲线来调整每个音轨的声音级别,你将拥有一个自动动态多轨音频混音器!

See also

Sounds can be crossfaded by adding a Sound Crossfade effect.


There are two ways to render out your audio. You can either have it encoded with a video file or in its own audio file. Read more on how select proper format and how to start rendering.