Baking requires a mesh to have a UV map, and either vertex colors or an Image Texture node with an image to be baked to. The Active Image Texture node or Vertex Color layer is used as the baking target.
Use Render Bake in intensive light/shadow solutions, such as AO or soft shadows from area lights. If you bake AO for the main objects, you will not have to enable it for the full render, saving render time. Cycles uses the render settings (samples, bounces, ...) for baking. This way the quality of the baked textures should match the result you get from the rendered scene.
- 面板
- 烘焙
Perform the baking operation.
- 按多级精度进行烘焙
Bake directly from multires object.
- 烘焙类型
- 合成结果
Bakes all materials, textures, and lighting except specularity. The passes that contribute to the combined pass can be toggled individually to form the final map.
- 环境光遮蔽
- 阴影
- 法向
- UV
映射 UV 坐标,用于表示纹理映射至网格上的位置。这通过图像的红色和绿色通道表示,蓝色通道的编码为常值1,但不保存任何信息。
- 粗糙度
Bakes the roughness pass of a material.
- 自发光
- 环境
根据从世界原点(0, 0, 0)投射的光线所看到的,将环境(即为场景定义的世界表面着色器)烘焙到选定的物体上。
- 漫射色采样
Bakes the diffuse pass of a material.
- 光泽
Bakes the glossiness pass of a material.
- 传递采样
Bakes the transmission pass of a material.
- 光照
- 直接光
Add direct lighting contribution.
- 间接光
Add indirect lighting contribution.
- 贡献
- 漫射色采样
Add diffuse contribution.
- 光泽
Add glossy contribution.
- 传递采样
Add transmission contribution.
- 环境光遮蔽
Add ambient occlusion contribution.
- 自发光
Add emission contribution.
Diffuse, Glossy, Transmission
- 贡献
- 颜色
Colorize the pass.
If only Color is selected you get the pass color, which is a property of the surface and independent of sampling refinement.
If Color is not selected, you get the direct and/or indirect contributions in gray-scale.
If Color and either Direct or Indirect are selected, you get the direct and/or indirect contributions colored.
- 空间
For materials, the same spaces can be chosen in the image texture options next to the existing Normal Map setting. For correct results, the setting here should match the setting used for baking.
- 物体
- 切向(正切)
- Swizzle R, G, B
所选物体 -> 活动物体
Bake shading on the surface of selected objects to the active object. The rays are cast from the low-poly object inwards towards the high-poly object. If the high-poly object is not entirely involved by the low-poly object, you can tweak the rays start point with Max Ray Distance or Extrusion (depending on whether or not you are using cage). For even more control you can use a Cage Object.
There is a CPU fixed memory footprint for every object used to bake from. In order to avoid crashes due to lack of memory, the high-poly objects can be joined before the baking process.
- 罩体
- 罩式物体
指定作为 罩体 的物体,以此替代活动物体的罩体挤出。
- 罩体偏移
在使用 所选物体->活动物体 和 罩体 来控制光线向内投射的距离时。向内投射的光线会由不含有边线分割修改器版本的活动物体发出。当然强制分割(如应用掉边线分割修改器)也不行。因为这些都会导致边线处的法线变得不为平滑。
When the base mesh extruded does not give good results, you can create a copy of the base mesh and modify it to use as a Cage. Both meshes need to have the same Topology (number of faces and face order).
- 最大光线距离
Distance to use for the inward ray cast when using Selected to Active. Ray distance is only available when not using Cage.
- Target 目标
Where to output the baked map.
- 图像纹理
Bake to the image data-block associated with the Active Image Texture node.
- 边距
- 清空图像
- 顶点颜色
Bake to the Active Vertex Color layer on the active mesh. Note, the active object must be a mesh as other object types do not have vertex colors.