
Viewport rendering uses the 3D Viewport rendering for quick preview renders.

This allows you to inspect your animatic (for object movements, alternate angles, etc.).

This can also be used to preview your animations -- in the event your scene is too complex for your system to play back in real-time in the 3D Viewport.

您可以使用 视图渲染 来渲染图像和动画。


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Disable overlays to render the viewport without any additional overlays.

While this option is not specific to Viewport rendering, it's often useful to enable, since it removes data such as rigs and empties that can be a distraction.


For the most part, Viewport Render uses the current viewport settings. Some settings are located in the render panel of the render engine that is used to render the view.


Sampling and Alpha Transparency Mode options can be set in Properties ‣ Render ‣ Sampling. Make sure the Workbench or Eevee render engine is selected to see the appropriate values.

Additionally, some render settings are used too:

  • Render Dimensions

  • Render Aspect

  • File Format & Output (file path, format, compression settings, etc.)


Activating Viewport Render will render from the current active view. This means that if you are not in an active camera view then a virtual camera is used to match the current perspective. To get an image from the camera point of view, enter the active camera view with Numpad0.

你可以使用 Esc 来终止正常的渲染。


使用 3D视图(3D Viewport) ‣ 视图(View) ‣ 视图渲染图像(Viewport Render Image) ,渲染静态图像。


To render an animation, use 3D Viewport ‣ View ‣ Viewport Render Animation.


要渲染动画,但仅渲染那些具有关键帧的帧,请使用 3D视图(3D Viewport) ‣ 视图(View) ‣ 视图渲染关键帧(Viewport Render Keyframes)。这只会渲染所选物体具有动画关键帧的那些帧。其他帧仍被写入输出,但是将仅重复上次渲染的帧。


  1. 第1帧总会被渲染。

  2. 重复第1帧,因为该帧上没有键。

  3. 第3帧被渲染。

  4. 重复第3帧,因为该帧上没有键。

  5. 第5帧被渲染。

  6. 重复第5帧,因为该帧上没有键。


可以使用 渲染框 命令将视口渲染限制为特定区域。