Hue/Saturation/Value Node

Hue/Saturation/Value Node.

The Hue/Saturation/Value Node applies a color transformation in the HSV Color Model.



The amount of influence the node exerts on the image.


Standard color input.


The hue rotation offset, from 0 (-180°) to 1 (+180°). Note that 0 and 1 have the same result.


A value of 0 removes color from the image, making it black-and-white. A value greater than 1.0 increases saturation.


The value shift. 0 makes the color black, 1 keeps it the same, and higher values make it brighter.



Standard color output.

Hue/Saturation Tips

Some things to keep in mind that might help you use this node better:

Hues are laid out on a circle

If you apply a Hue offset of 1 (+180°) to a blue image, you get the diametrically opposite color, which is yellow. If you apply a Hue offset of 1 to that yellow image, you get blue again.

Grayscale images have no hue

Trying to change the Hue or Saturation of a grayscale image has no effect. You can only brighten or darken it by adjusting the Value. To add color, use the Mix node instead.

Changing the effect over time

The different values can be animated using a Time Curve node or by setting keyframes.

HSV Example


A basic example.


An example of using the Factor input for masking.