Triangulate Modifier

The Triangulate modifier converts all faces in a mesh (quads and n-gons) to triangular faces. It fulfills the exact same function as the Triangulate tool in Edit Mode.


Mesh before Triangulate modifier.


Mesh after Triangulate modifier.



The Triangulate modifier.

Quad Method

Split the quads in nice triangles, slower method.


Split the quads on their 1st and 3rd vertices.

Fixed Alternate

Split the quads on their 2nd and 4th vertices.

Shortest Diagonal

Split the quads along their shortest diagonal.

Longest Diagonal

Split the quads along their longest diagonal. This is the preferred mode for cloth simulations.

N-gon Method

Arrange the new triangles nicely, slower method.


Splits n-gons using an ear-clipping algorithm (the same method of tessellation used for viewport display).

Minimum Vertices

Minimum number of vertices a face must have to be triangulated. For example, setting this value to 5, will prevent triangulation of Quads and only triangulate N-gons.