[ Module Hierarchy
| Class Hierarchy ]
Class Hierarchy
- NLA.Action:
This object gives access to Action-specific data in Blender.
- NLA.ActionStrip:
This object gives access to a particular action strip.
- NLA.ActionStrips:
This object gives access to sequence of ActionStrip
objects for a particular Object.
- Armature.Armature:
This object gives access to Armature-specific data in Blender.
- BezTriple.BezTriple:
This object gives access to generic data from all BezTriple objects
in Blender.
- Armature.Bone:
This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender.
- Armature.BonesDict:
This object gives gives dictionary like access to the bones in an
- BGL.Buffer:
The Buffer object is simply a block of memory that is delineated
and initialized by the user.
- Draw.Button:
This object represents a button in Blender's GUI.
- Camera.Camera:
This object gives access to Camera-specific data in Blender.
- Constraint.Constraint:
This object provides access to a constraint for a particular object
accessed from Constraints.
- Constraint.Constraints:
This object provides access to sequence of constraints for a particular object.
- Curve.CurNurb:
This object provides access to the control points of the curves
that make up a Blender Curve ObData.
- Curve.Curve:
This object gives access to Curve and Surface data linked from
Blender Objects.
- Armature.Editbone:
This object is a wrapper for editbone data and is used only in the
manipulation of the armature in editmode.
- Effect.Effect:
This object gives access to particle effect data in Blender.
- Mathutils.Euler:
This object gives access to Eulers in Blender.
- Font.Font:
This object gives access Blender's Font objects
- Group.Group:
This object gives access to Groups in Blender.
- IDProp.IDArray:
- IDProp.IDGroup:
This type supports both iteration and the [] operator to get child
ID properties.
- Image.Image:
This object gives access to Images in Blender.
- Ipo.Ipo:
This object gives access to Ipo data from all objects in Blender.
- IpoCurve.IpoCurve:
This object gives access to generic data from all Ipo curves
objects in Blender.
- Key.Key:
An object with keyframes (Lattice, NMesh or Curve) will contain a Key object representing the
keyframe data.
- Key.KeyBlock:
Each Key object has a list of KeyBlocks attached, each KeyBlock
representing a keyframe.
- Lamp.Lamp:
This object gives access to Lamp-specific data in Blender.
- Lattice.Lattice:
This object gives access to Lattices in Blender.
- LibData.LibData:
This class provides access to a specific type of library data.
- LibData.Libraries:
This class provides a unified way to access and manipulate library
types in Blender.
- Mesh.MCol:
This object is four ints representing an RGBA color.
- Mesh.MEdge:
This object holds mesh edge data.
- Mesh.MEdgeSeq:
This object provides sequence and iterator access to the mesh's
- Mesh.MFace:
This object holds mesh face data.
- Mesh.MFaceSeq:
This object provides sequence and iterator access to the mesh's
- Texture.MTex:
This object links a material to a texture.
- Mesh.MVert:
This object holds mesh vertex data.
- Mesh.MVertSeq:
This object provides sequence and iterator access to the mesh's
- Material.Material:
This object gives access to Materials in Blender.
- Mathutils.Matrix:
This object gives access to Matrices in Blender.
- Mesh.Mesh:
This object gives access to mesh data in Blender.
- Metaball.MetaElemSeq:
This object provides sequence and iterator access to the metaballs
- Metaball.Metaball:
This metaball gives access to generic data from all metaballs in
- Metaball.Metaelem:
This gives direct access to meta element data within a metaball.
- Modifier.ModSeq:
This object provides access to list of modifiers for
a particular object.
- Modifier.Modifier:
This object provides access to a modifier for a particular object
accessed from ModSeq.
- NMesh.NMCol:
This object is a list of ints: [r, g, b, a] representing an rgba
- NMesh.NMEdge:
This object holds mesh edge data.
- NMesh.NMFace:
This object holds mesh face data.
- NMesh.NMVert:
This object holds mesh vertex data.
- NMesh.NMesh:
This object gives access to mesh data in Blender.
- Object.Object:
This object gives access to generic data from all objects in
- Particle.Particle:
This object gives access to paticles data.
- Pose.Pose:
This object gives access to Pose-specific data in Blender.
- Pose.PoseBone:
This object gives access to PoseBone-specific data in Blender.
- Pose.PoseBonesDict:
This object gives dictionary like access to the PoseBones in a
- Object.Property:
This property gives access to object property data in Blender, used
by the game engine.
- Mathutils.Quaternion:
This object gives access to Quaternions in Blender.
- Radio.Radio:
This object wraps the current Scene's radiosity context in Blender.
- Render.RenderData:
This object gives access to Scene rendering contexts in Blender.
- Renderlayer.RenderLayer:
- Scene.Scene:
This object gives access to Scene data in Blender.
- Scene.SceneObjects:
This object gives access to the Objects in a Scene in Blender.
- Sound.Sound:
This object gives access to Sounds in Blender.
- Curve.SurfNurb:
This object provides access to the control points of the surfaces
that make up a Blender Curve.
- Text.Text:
This object gives access to Texts in Blender.
- Text3d.Text3d:
This object gives access Blender's Font objects
- Texture.Texture:
This object gives access to Texture-specific data in Blender.
- Theme.Theme:
This object gives access to Themes in Blender.
- Theme.ThemeSpace:
There is a sub-theme for each space in Blender (except for the
Scripts window, but it will be added soon).
- Theme.ThemeUI:
This can be accessed with theme.get(t), where t can be 'ui' or -1.
- TimeLine.TimeLine:
This object wraps the current Scene's time line context in Blender.
- Mathutils.Vector:
This object gives access to Vectors in Blender.
- World.World:
This object gives access to generic data from all worlds in
- Bpy_data.libBlockSeq:
This provides a unified way to access and manipulate data types in
Blender (scene, object, mesh, curve, metaball, material, texture,
image, lattice, lamp, camera, ipo, world, font, text, sound,
groups, armatures, actions).