Package bpy :: Module types :: Class CurveMapping
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class CurveMapping

The CurveMapping Object

Curve mapping to map color, vector and scalar values to other values using a user defined curve.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float array of 3 items in [-1000, 1000] black_level
For RGB curves, the color that black is mapped to
boolean clip
Force the curve view to fit a defined boundary
float in [-100, 100] clip_max_x
Clip Max X
float in [-100, 100] clip_max_y
Clip Max Y
float in [-100, 100] clip_min_x
Clip Min X
float in [-100, 100] clip_min_y
Clip Min Y
Collection of CurveMap (readonly) curves
float array of 3 items in [-1000, 1000] white_level
For RGB curves, the color that white is mapped to