Package bpy :: Module types :: Class MaterialTextureSlot
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Class MaterialTextureSlot

The Material Texture Slot Object

Texture slot for textures in a Material datablock.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [-inf, inf] alpha_factor
Amount texture affects alpha.
float in [-inf, inf] ambient_factor
Amount texture affects ambient.
enum blend_type
Blend Type in... (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] color
The default color for textures that don't return RGB. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float in [-inf, inf] colordiff_factor
Amount texture affects diffuse color.
float in [-inf, inf] coloremission_factor
Amount texture affects emission color.
float in [-inf, inf] colorreflection_factor
Amount texture affects color of out-scattered light
float in [-inf, inf] colorspec_factor
Amount texture affects specular color.
float in [-inf, inf] colortransmission_factor
Amount texture affects result color after light has been scattered/absorbed.
float in [-inf, inf] default_value
Value to use for Ref, Spec, Amb, Emit, Alpha, RayMir, TransLu and Hard. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float in [-inf, inf] density_factor
Amount texture affects density.
float in [-inf, inf] diffuse_factor
Amount texture affects diffuse reflectivity.
float in [-inf, inf] displacement_factor
Amount texture displaces the surface.
float in [-inf, inf] emission_factor
Amount texture affects emission.
float in [-inf, inf] emit_factor
Amount texture affects emission.
boolean enabled
Enable this material texture slot.
boolean from_dupli
Dupli's instanced from verts, faces or particles, inherit texture coordinate from their parent.
boolean from_original
Dupli's derive their object coordinates from the original objects transformation.
float in [-inf, inf] hardness_factor
Amount texture affects hardness.
boolean map_alpha
Causes the texture to affect the alpha value
boolean map_ambient
Causes the texture to affect the value of ambient
boolean map_colordiff
Causes the texture to affect basic color of the material
boolean map_coloremission
Causes the texture to affect the color of emission
boolean map_colorreflection
Causes the texture to affect the color of scattered light
boolean map_colorspec
Causes the texture to affect the specularity color
boolean map_colortransmission
Causes the texture to affect the result color after other light has been scattered/absorbed
boolean map_density
Causes the texture to affect the volume's density
boolean map_diffuse
Causes the texture to affect the value of the materials diffuse reflectivity
boolean map_displacement
Let the texture displace the surface
boolean map_emission
Causes the texture to affect the volume's emission
boolean map_emit
Causes the texture to affect the emit value
boolean map_hardness
Causes the texture to affect the hardness value
boolean map_mirror
Causes the texture to affect the mirror color
boolean map_normal
Causes the texture to affect the rendered normal
boolean map_raymir
Causes the texture to affect the ray-mirror value
boolean map_reflection
Causes the texture to affect the reflected light's brightness
boolean map_scattering
Causes the texture to affect the volume's scattering
boolean map_specular
Causes the texture to affect the value of specular reflectivity
boolean map_translucency
Causes the texture to affect the translucency value
boolean map_warp
Let the texture warp texture coordinates of next channels
enum mapping
Mapping in...
float in [-inf, inf] mirror_factor
Amount texture affects mirror color.
string (readonly) name
Texture slot name. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
boolean negate
Inverts the values of the texture to reverse its effect. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
boolean new_bump
Use new, corrected bump mapping code (backwards compatibility option).
float in [-inf, inf] normal_factor
Amount texture affects normal values.
enum normal_map_space
Normal Map Space in...
Object object
Object to use for mapping with Object texture coordinates.
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] offset
Fine tunes texture mapping X, Y and Z locations. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
enum output_node
Which output node to use, for node-based textures. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float in [-inf, inf] raymir_factor
Amount texture affects ray mirror.
float in [-inf, inf] reflection_factor
Amount texture affects brightness of out-scattered light.
boolean rgb_to_intensity
Converts texture RGB values to intensity (gray) values. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float in [-inf, inf] scattering_factor
Amount texture affects scattering.
float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] size
Sets scaling for the texture's X, Y and Z sizes. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
float in [-inf, inf] specular_factor
Amount texture affects specular reflectivity.
boolean stencil
Use this texture as a blending value on the next texture. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
Texture texture
Texture datablock used by this texture slot. (Inherited from bpy.types.TextureSlot)
enum texture_coordinates
Texture Coordinates in...
float in [-inf, inf] translucency_factor
Amount texture affects translucency.
string uv_layer
UV layer to use for mapping with UV texture coordinates.
float in [-inf, inf] warp_factor
Amount texture affects texture coordinates of next channels.
enum x_mapping
X Mapping in...
enum y_mapping
Y Mapping in...
enum z_mapping
Z Mapping in...
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Mapping in...
  • FLAT
  • CUBE
  • TUBE


Normal Map Space in...


Texture Coordinates in...
  • UV
  • ORCO


UV layer to use for mapping with UV texture coordinates. (maximum length of 32)


X Mapping in...
  • NONE
  • X
  • Y
  • Z


Y Mapping in...
  • NONE
  • X
  • Y
  • Z


Z Mapping in...
  • NONE
  • X
  • Y
  • Z