Package bpy :: Module types :: Class SoftBodySettings
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SoftBodySettings

The Soft Body Settings Object

Soft body simulation settings for an object.


Instance Variables [hide private]
float in [0, 30000] aero
Make edges 'sail'
boolean auto_step
Use velocities for automagic step sizes
float in [0.001, 1] ball_damp
Blending to inelastic collision
float in [-10, 10] ball_size
Absolute ball size or factor if not manual adjusted
float in [0.001, 100] ball_stiff
Ball inflating presure
float in [0, 10] bending
Bending Stiffness
int in [0, 100] choke
'Viscosity' inside collision target
enum collision_type
Choose Collision Type in...
float in [0, 50] damp
Edge spring friction
boolean diagnose
Turn on SB diagnose console prints
boolean edge_collision
Edges collide too.
EffectorWeights (readonly) effector_weights
Effector Weights
float in [0.001, 10] error_limit
The Runge-Kutta ODE solver error limit, low value gives more precision, high values speed
boolean face_collision
Faces collide too, SLOOOOOW warning.
float in [0, 50] friction
General media friction for point movements
int in [1, 100] fuzzy
Fuzzyness while on collision, high values make collsion handling faster but less stable
float in [0, 1] goal_default
Default Goal (vertex target position) value, when no Vertex Group used.
float in [0, 50] goal_friction
Goal (vertex target position) friction.
float in [0, 1] goal_max
Goal maximum, vertex group weights are scaled to match this range.
float in [0, 1] goal_min
Goal minimum, vertex group weights are scaled to match this range.
float in [0, 0.999] goal_spring
Goal (vertex target position) spring stiffness.
string goal_vertex_group
Control point weight values.
float in [-10, 10] gravity
Apply gravitation to point movement
float in [0, 50000] mass
string mass_vertex_group
Control point mass values.
int in [0, 30000] maxstep
Maximal # solver steps/frame
int in [0, 30000] minstep
Minimal # solver steps/frame
boolean new_aero
New aero(uses angle and length).
float in [0, 100] plastic
Permanent deform
float in [0, 0.999] pull
Edge spring stiffness when longer than rest length
float in [0, 0.999] push
Edge spring stiffness when shorter than rest length
boolean self_collision
Enable naive vertex ball self collision.
float in [0, 1] shear
Shear Stiffness
float in [0.01, 100] speed
Tweak timing for physics to control frequency and speed
float in [0, 200] spring_length
Alter spring length to shrink/blow up (unit %) 0 to disable
string spring_vertex_group
Control point spring strength values.
boolean stiff_quads
Adds diagonal springs on 4-gons.
boolean use_edges
Use Edges as springs
boolean use_goal
Define forces for vertices to stick to animated position.
Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Choose Collision Type in...


Control point weight values. (maximum length of 0)


Control point mass values. (maximum length of 32)


Control point spring strength values. (maximum length of 32)